Hi there! My name is Liz Janowski, and I've put together this web site as a way of keeping in touch with family and friends. The photo above is of my mom, Irene Sweeden. Mom died on New Year's Eve, 1997, after being in an automobile accident on Christmas Eve. This web site is dedicated to Mom. She was always there for me -- my very best friend, my greatest supporter. She taught me always to believe in myself, and that I can do anything I think I can. I miss her very much, but know that she's watching over me from heaven. Mom loved animals, so I thought this photo of her with her beloved dog, Little Bit, and one of her many cats, was appropriate to use here.
I am a native Texan, but have lived in Pennsylvania for the last 10 years. My husband and I are hoping to move our family to North Carolina this summer. We have four children ranging in age from 5 to 16 years old. The photo at left shows me with our youngest, Nicole.
I enjoy reading, mostly romance novels, and cooking. I also love doing crafts. Crocheting has taken over as my favorite craft for the past several years. I orginally learned to crochet with thread and a steel hook from my grandmother when I was about 7 years old. I'll always be grateful to Grandma for having the patience to teach me this art. I love creating a useful item out of a bit of string and a hook.

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