sparkles2 's Home Page

Climb The Stairs To My Little Piece Of Heaven On Earth

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Well now that you are here I guess you think you should find out a little about me, huh..Oh, there are so many wonderful things, where should I begin?**LoL**

Well I'm a Texas girl through and through.. My heart belongs to and always will the Lone Star State..


I currently own my own business "Governmental Refund Assistance." Basically, I do the investigative and paperwork for te Treasury Dept. I am also studying to become a Paralegal. I have worn many a hat in my time on this earth from being a licensed Cosmetologist, Certified EMT, Level 2 Secretary for the State, working for School Districts in two differnet counties, daughter, sister, wife, and ex wife. But, I feel the most rewarding of all would have to be that of being a mother. You will learn more about my children in pages to follow.

I love dancing, the great outdoors, writing poetry ( in time some of my writing will included ), working with children, and above all being a mom.

My favorite all time singer would have to be the King himself "Elvis". Don't believe me just come take a look at my livingroom. It pukes him...**LoL** I collect Elvis memorabilia. I would have to say my all time treasure would have to be a demo record "Hound dog" I found in a garage sale.

My all time favorite movie would have to be Gone With The Wind. Go figure that's where my mother got my name. **LoL** Although, I have to admit there's a little more Scarlet in me than there is Melanie.

Ok,Ok.. Enough about me already GESH...Just scroll down push a button and continue up the staircase to what I call Heaven.

Sisters by fate..BEST FRIENDS by choice

Yes this is lil ole me.

My little piece of heaven in Texas

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