Hi I'm -Jeannie-. Hey, I'm the one with the glasses...not the one with the big ears and teeth! Although, I do seem to have that Terry Thomas thing going on...hahaha.

This is my Family Album. This page is being created soley with a Webtv plus unit. For optimal viewing, please click on the hilighted words. These words contain links to photos and relative sites. I am new to HTML so, please bare with me as I learn the language. I will be updating with new pictures, accomplishments and, special events as they occur so, please check back often!

Let's start with the old pictures. I apologize for their quality but, please realize that they are very old pictures and I had a heck of a time getting them online to begin with! Hey, Dad! If you are checking this page out, send me more pictures! Here is my first bike. Don't you just love that dress??? hahaha. What about those saddle shoes???Here I am on a fishing trip. I know there's a fish on that line somewhere! Gotta work on getting some better old pictures on line. These were transferred from super 8mm to beta, then to vhs, then captured using the Webtv plus unit. They are pretty grainy but, you can get the idea.

I am a single mother of a pre-teen daughter. She is quite a handful right now. If she ever does a chore without me having to ask her twenty times (I am NOT kidding here), I think I might just pass out! I am sure that my Mother is looking down from Heaven and laughing. I must admit that I too was a handful in my youth. (who, me???) Ahhhh paybacks!

We have three cats. Molly is the eldest and largest. She was seventeen pounds at her last check-up but, she has put on a little more weight since our recent move. She has big, beautiful, green eyes with white fur outlining them! Alex is the next eldest. She is a calico bobtail. She loves to sleep upside down with her feet sticking straight up in the air! She is the mother of our latest addition Cleo. Cleo's favorite past-time is drinking hot water from the bathtub...watch out Cleo!...don't fall in!

Here is another old picture. Sometime in the early 60's, my Mother took me on a very memorable trip to the Japanese Tea Gardens in San Francisco. I lost her to cancer in the summer of 1986. She was only 52 years old. I was in my early twenties before I realized what a powerful woman she was. Although she was ill, our last few years together were the best. I have started a scrapbook about her and I hope to share some of her acomplishments with you in the near future.

We recently had the opportunity to visit Zion National Park . It is an amazing feat of nature! I hope that we have the chance to go there again.

My younger brother lives in beautiful Lake Tahoe. He lives with his wife and two of his step-children. (the oldest step-son moved out in the summer of 1998) Here is his youngest. Looks like the average teenage boy to me ! (note: reclining position) He has a remarkable personality. To know him is to love him. His best bud is Cubby. My Sister-in-law calls Cubby a Golden Recliner. hahaha. He is a pretty laid back dog! His natural daughter is the eldest of the chidren. She graduated with a business degree in the summer of 1997. I consider this a great accomplishment and, I am extremly proud of her. She is engaged to marry her High School Sweetheart in August of 1999 and, they have set up home in California. Stay tuned for some wedding pictures! I am in the process of making them a quilt for their wedding. With each stitch I complete, the quilt grows more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I will add a picture of it to this page when it is completed.

My older brother lives near me. (hmmmm...that picture looks vaguely like the lazy teenager picture...must have been a hard day!) He is married with two sons and, a dog named Woody. Guess you can tell that the youngest boy loved "Toy Story"! My daughter loves to babysit them. Anybody care to play twister ?

I have one living Grandparent. My Mother's Mother is in her nineties. During her career, she was a nurse for the County Hospital. Her expertise came in handy when she came to live with me for three months when my daughter was born. Because of her background, my Doctor let her stay in the operating room when my daughter was born via C-section. I am very glad that he did. This was quite an experience for her. She actually got to see my daughter before me! Her Father (my Great-Grandfather) lived to be 106 years old. At the rate Grandma is going, she will surpass his longevity!

I was born with several physical birth defects. The most life threatening one is Aortic Stenosis. This is a malformed valve in the heart. I am kind of like a 4-cylinder car running on 3-cylinders. I had an angeogram in June of 1998 and it showed no blockage. I cannot over-exert myself and I have difficulties at higher altitudes. Oh well, I never was a great ski'er anyway. My Doctor expects that in the next six months to a year, I will have open heart surgery to correct this problem. I am greatful that I have made it through the first forty something years before requiring heart surgery. With each day that passes, advancements are made in medicine that will help to prolong my life.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. It has been great to have you here!

Email me in the meantime.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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