Hello! and welcome to my home on the web! I'm
sure my page won't be as neat as my kids, but one can hope!
I am a Work at Home Mom, and I have two kids, one husband,
and five dogs!
My daughter Morgaine is thirteen years old and in the
eighth grade.
My son Steven is six years old and quite a handful!
He loves to ride his bike, paint, scrapbook with Mom, play darts, play baseball, play just about anything!
As a family we love to do things outdoors like camping, hiking, or just spending the day in
the park.
In addition to staying at home with my kids, I work part time in the scrapbook industry designing for Scrapbook Specialties. I am also currently seated on a Federal Grand Jury. We meet every Wednesday, and I call this my "other part time job!" One of my other duties, and one I love, is being a Girl Scout Leader for my daughter's Girl Scout Troop. All of my girls are in eighth grade, all teenagers, and all lots of fun!
For the last six years, I've been scrapbooking my family pictures. One day I went into our local hardware store (which is more like a general store!) and saw a neat magazine--Creating Keepsakes. I picked it up, and the rest, as they say, is history!
Once you start this hobby--there's no way to stop!! I asked my friend April (pictured at right) to go to a class with me, and now she's hooked too! It's addicting! What a great hobby, though. My kids, who never looked at our pictures before (except when we got them back from the developer), now look at our albums all the time, and show them to every friend who walks into our house! My husband brags about our albums to all his friends and coworkers. What a RUSH!
This hobby has really developed more into an obsession--I am not kidding! I think of almost everything in terms of scrapbook pages now. To be honest, though, I really love scrapbooking. It relieves the stress of a hard day. I love to look at the pictures and bring back the memories of happy times spent with my family and friends. I love the fact that both of my kids scrapbook on their own as well.
There are some really great websites out there devoted to scrapbooking as well. Some of my favorites are:
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