Ingram's Family History homepage
Welcome to my homepage. I hope you find some of your kinship here. Please note the following:
- The family pages are set up to follow my line of descent, starting with the oldest ancestor I know, and proceeding to the most recently deceased (living people omitted for privacy). I go in paternal fashion, ending the narrative on the first female reached, because it is the simplest way of tracing a surname through history.
- I have a search engine for my pages (below), if you don't find your specific ancestor, try just the first name, or without the middle name, etc - I don't always refer to all the people exactly.
- This is definitely a work in progress. But all exchange of information is appreciated, especially if someone has conflicting information from that which I present. Please email me with any comments or suggestions: Jay Ingram
- Anybody that wants to should feel free to use any of this information. I would only ask that appropriate sources be credited, be it either myself or the sources that I use. Thanks, hope you find your family here.
PLEASE NOTE: I stopped updating the web page around 2001, but I've continued to work on my project. My family history is now in Word document format, with the goal of publishing it once I consider it to be as complete as I'm going to get it. While I'm greatly indebted to those who have assisted me in my research, I'm finding that the demands of everyday life don't allow me to consistently respond to email inquiries. So, I'm offering my most up-to-date volume for sale, at a price of $19. For those interested, it is at 118 pages right now, printed by a laser printer on 8.5x11 32-lb./98 brightness paper, and wire bound. The table of contents, revision history, and index are available at the following links. To order a copy, please email me at, and I'll send it within 3 days of payment. If you indicate the family line you are interested in, I'll send you a new bound copy if and when I update my research for that line. Thanks,
Site Map
(note: limit searches to one word as much as possible. If you search for 'Jim Ingram', all pages that have 'Ingram' will be returned, which is all of them since I include my email address)
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