Friends are people that you have chosen to keep in your life..some have been there since you were a child..some are new to you. Some friends are close to you, and some you have never met..but they are still your friend. Friends are the most precious gift you can have in your life. They are there for you when times are tough. They don't judge you, and they are there to help you see things clearly.
I have many friends on the net. I hope that they will visit with me and enjoy their stay in the "playground". Sit back, and enjoy the beauty of Friendship.
This page is dedicated to friends. Old and New.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Click on the graphic below to read a poem that I have created for my friends. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Send it to all of your friends. Show them how much you care. You can also go directly to the second poetry page with a poem that was sent to me by a fellow Aleenes chatter. ENJOY!
There is a story that I wrote about two little boys. I hope you will grab a tea or coffee and sit back and enjoy reading it.
Sam I Am's Poetry Page (2)
Sam I Am's Story Page
Here is a few quotes that I feel are worth mentioning. They can be used in scrapbooks or inside a greeting card.
Quotable Quotes

Click on the trike to see "Great Graphics" links.

Links to other sites on the Web
Mildred's Moments
Summer's Country Home
Bob's afghan site
Angel to Angel (Birddo & Bailey)
Maria Nerius' home page
Jude65's site
Rainbow's site
Sas' site
Decolores' site
Katie's site
Woolene's site
Here are my "family friendly" awards so graciously given by Mildred. Many thanks Mildred..I am happy to receive them.
Please sign my guestbook, it lets me know that you were here. It inspires me to keep on working.
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