Hi, and Welcome to our family webpage. Our names are Frank, Karen, Christopher and Samuel. We are Southern Baptist Missionaries in Eastern Colorado. My husband, Frank is the Director of Missions for the Arkansas Valley Association. We enjoy all working together to proclaim the gospel.

I homeschool our two beautiful boys (I am a little biased). We have a good time doing that. Our oldest Christopher is 8 years old. He is going in the 5th grade. We are very proud of him. School is easy for him and I am thankful for that. I had to start with him early and he just took off. Really I have to keep up with him. Christopher has also accepted the Lord as his personal Savior, and we pray for God to Bless him throughout his spiritual journey. Our youngest Samuel is 6 years old, and he is going in 1st grade. We are really proud of him also , they are always surprising us with what they know. We really enjoy homeschooling not only because it is such a benefit for their learning, but because it leaves us open to do ministry as a family.

We also have a Shih-tzu dog named Gizmo. She is such a sweetie and loves everyone. We have different pages on our site. I hope that you will visit each one and get a blessing from them.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8

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