Welcome to my Guestbook! Hello I am Al, I hope you enjoyed my homepahe...I will be updating it often and adding new things, please come back and visit again

Pierre Filion - 05/10/00 18:14:34
My URL:http://www.total.net/~musical
My Email:musical@total.net
Your Interests:: I have a great music studio
Suggestions:: It's a very nice site, the country singers must know it
Likes:: Animated water and faucet
Dislikes:: Blue letters are difficult to read on black
Favorites:: The cowboy
Would You Like To Correspond?: Yes.
It's a very very beautifull web page

Harry H Howeth - 01/28/00 23:21:47
My Email:harryhoweth@msn.com
Your Interests:: Howeth family genealogy
Suggestions:: none
Likes:: everthin
Dislikes:: nothin
Favorites:: Yes
Would You Like To Correspond?: yes
Visited your page! Interesting. I am a Howeth of Dorchester Maryland origin, just begun research. I live in Lewes, DE on the Delmarva Peninsula just east of Dorchester. I was born in Cambridge, MD/ Will keep in touch......

Sue Howeth Butler - 12/03/99 16:59:38
My Email:SBu5313045@aol.com
Your Interests:: Geneology,crafts
I think your web page is just great- I am going to have my cousin (Blanche Howeth Teague's) daughter, who lives in Crosby, TX take a look at it.

10/05/98 10:21:44
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

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