Mark's Slightly Useful Web Page

My Yahoo Blog — Blogs are all the rage on the web these days. I'm not sure I get it, but I'm trying.

Visit our Yahoo! City of Beloit Club — Discussion of issues, news, events, history, plans, politics, and other topics related to the Stateline Area. The club message archives are public and date back to 1998.

Downtown Beloit Association  — The DBA's site does a nice job of summarizing all that makes downtown Beloit a great place to visit.

Visit Beloit — Your one-stop shop for all things of interest in the Greater Beloit area.

Scenes from the Stateline Area. Do you know where?
Click to see more panoramas of the Greater Beloit area
Click above photo to see more panoramas of the Greater Beloit area.

Windows and PC Tips — This is a page of information I compiled to help people deal with common, annoying Windows and Internet problems. There's a lot of reading material here about spyware and viruses, and more.

Yahoo Anti-spam Club at Yahoo! Groups — Learn some of the history of the fight against junk email, junk posts, and general abuse (AKA spam) on the net. Good tips, tools, and ethical techniques for spam fighting and prevention.

GroupManagersForum at Yahoo! Groups — I founded GMF a long time ago to help people manage Yahoo! Clubs. When Clubs became Groups (Grubs!), GMF was re-chartered and, despite the shortcomings of eGroups, continued to grow.

I work at Staples in Beloit. Click here to view our latest newspaper advertising circular! Even if it's not distributed in our local paper, we've still got these promotions going at our store!

This site is created and maintained by Mark Preuschl.
It is not sponsored by, nor directly affiliated with
any of the sites listed above. Please note the
page you are viewing contains NO pop-up, -under,
or -over advertising! See also the Beloit and Stateline Area Search Page.

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