***HINT: If the word is underlined, then it is a link to another exciting page!***

My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the terrible terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

I'm Carrie and welcome to my home page! Sit back, relax, and enjoy my site! I will be starting nursing school on May 30! I am so excited, but I will be in class all day (8-4:30) Monday thru Friday which means I won't be able to change my site as often. Hopefully, I will be able to change it as the seasons change so always check back. You might be in for a surprise! I am always looking for ways to improve my site, so please, if you have any ideas e-mail me! I love new mail, so even if you don't have any ideas drop me a line!

This page is dedicated to two very special people, my mom, JoAnne, who died in November 1997, of a heart attack and my friend Morgan who died in a car accident in May 1996. My mom was 52, Morgan was 16. I thank God upon every remembrance of you. Philippians 1:3 I love you both very much!

To learn more about me and where I got my graphics please click on the phrases below! :o)
Meet Carrie
My Mom
Carrie's Picture Page
My Favorite Sites
The Most Beautiful Flower
E-Mail Me

You are visitor number since August 16, 1998!

Is she not the most precious little girl you've ever seen? I did not have the honor to know Miss Sydnie Claire the short time she spent on Earth, but I have grown to know and love her family. Through videos, pictures, and her beautiful web site I have grown to know and love Sydnie as well. Sydnie would have been 8 years old March 24. Please keep Sydnie and her family (Ju-mother, Steven-father, and Martin-big brother) in your prayers. Please visit Sydnie site by clicking her animated button.

Please visit this beautiful tribute to Columbine High School victims. Of all the sites I've visited, this one by far is the most outstanding.

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