presented by
We remember...
19th Bomb Group, 314 Wing Group,
You will always be with Us.
This is my Dad, our own "Fly Boy",
Which is what they were called...
United States Army Air Force, Captain, WWII
Flew B-29...and this is how he taught us to fly...
Instrument Panel Aware at all times!
93rd Squadron, Crew # 710,
out of Pyote, Texas.
Our Capitaine!!!
~Sarge's Kitchen~
Vet- Korean War
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day -
There are several stories as to this holiday's actual beginnings.
The South refused to acknowledge Decoration Day,
***The word 'separate' has a rat in it...get it??
It is a day of remembrance for those
who have died in our nation's service.
My Dad did not die in the Service, but he did die
in the Veteran's Hospital.
They were sure good to him there.
It was first proclaimed on 5 May 1868
by General John Logan
and was first observed on 30 May 1868,
when flowers were placed on the graves
of Union and Confederate soldiers.
honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I.
It is now celebrated in almost
every state on the last Monday in May.
This was passed by Congress in 1968 to ensure
a three day weekend for Federal holidays.
Several southern states have an additional,
separate day for honoring the Confederate war dead.
sepARATe...well, this is just a little aside!!
Remember this, because it is often spelled wrong...
WWII: Sallyanne Wagoner's Great B-29 Pages
WWII: HeavyBombers Page,history,planes
WWII: Andy Doty's 'Backwards Into Battle'
Pa., Birthplace of Memorial Day
DC City
Pages: History of Memorial Day.
Angel-Pie's excellent The Origins
of Memorial Day page.
Memorial Day
Roy, Nuhn. Portfolio: To Honor The Memory of the Departed.
American History Illustrated 1982 17(3): 20-25.
Official Birthplace of Memorial Day.
If you have great holiday links
email it to us at
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