"Dear Little Ghost"
He flies through the air
He's spooky and quiet
He loves children and cheetos
He wanders the street
(tune: 'The Man on the Flying Trapeze')
This song is dedicated to
Janet Nandola
Who first encouraged me to Sing to Children!
Thanks, Janet.
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by maggieblue and Hannah
October, 1998
with the greatest of ease;
He's my dear little ghost
that no body sees.
And a very fine ghost -
If you want to feed him ,
try Jelly and Toast!!
and he always says please...
He's likes bacon and eggs
if they're covered with cheese.
And you'll think he's a sheet...
If you meet, I think
YOU'LL AGREE.........!!!
email them to us at
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'Little Ghost' by Erin, 7 years old
and make a copy for yourself.
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