Placed online by Kay Mason and found in the KSGenWeb Project Online Archives
From: A Roster of Volunteer Troops Furnished by the State of Kansas for the Spanish-American War, 1898
From the: Journal of the Thirty-sixth Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, held at Salina, May 16, 17, 18, 1917
HISTORY AND ROSTER OF THE KANSAS STATE GUARD: AUGUST 6, 1917, TO NOVEMBER 11, 1919(placed online by Carolyn Ward for the KSGenWeb Project)
Organized in 1917, the Kansas State Guard (also called the "Home Guard") consisted of about
150 companies statewide. "In addition to training the youth to enter the federal service,
performing guard duty, and assisting the various drives to finance our combat troops, they
maintained the patriotism of the communities at high ebb and inspired all civilians to revere the
name of America, which was an invaluable aid to the state." (from page 3 of the History and
Roster of the Kansas State Guard).
The 23rd Battalion was headquarted in Larned, Kansas, and had five companies:
Company A, Larned
Company B, Kinsley
Company C, Pawnee Rock
Company D, Great Bend
The entire online book for all of Kansas can be found at:

From the World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air
Forces Personnel from Kansas. (NWCTM-407-WWIICASARMY-KS)
transcribed by Kenneth Thomas for the KSGenWeb Project