Multiple Miracles Moms

Congratulations on being a mother or an expectant mother of multiples (twins, triplets, or more). The purpose of Multiple Miracles Moms is to extend a hand of friendship and assistance to mothers expecting multiple births and those who have already been blessed with multiple miracles.

We warmly invite you to attend our meetings and events, get to know us, and consider joining our club.

General Information

Our General Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. Each meeting will feature a speaker who will address a child rearing/family management topic. Some meetings provide discussion groups and a forum for social interaction.

Our Business Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. Our Board meets during this time to plan all club activities. Because board meetings are held at members' homes, and are fun and casual, all members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The annual dues for Multiple Miracles Moms is $30, renewable each May. Of that amount, $7 goes to the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club. The remainder stays within our organization to cover such costs as printing the newsletter and various club and philanthropic activities.

The Club also raises funds at General Meetings through a monthly raffle for prizes donated by members, and through scrip sales. "Scrip" is gift certificates for grocery stores, retail stores, and restaurants. The certificates are purchased at face value, and the club receives a percentage of the volume sold.

Member Acivities

Park Days are held at least two times a month at local parks. These give mothers a chance to chat with other multiple moms as the children gain social skills and play.

Children's Holiday Parties are held at Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. These are some of our most widely attended events and are planned for the children's enjoyment. Fathers and siblings are encouraged to attend.

In the fall and spring of each year, we have our New Member and Prospective Ice Cream Social. The newer and prospective members become acquinted with eachother and with the club's board members. Monthly Moms' Socials are get togethers for a night out to enjoy a movie, entertainment, and uninterrupted conversation.

The Southern California Mothers of Twins Club is the state chapter to which we belong. Conventions and Workshops are held twice a year at different Southern California locations, giving Moms an opportunity to meet and to access resources which benefit mothers of multiples). Each convention (November and May) is held for an ENTIRE weekend (away from husbands and children).

Garage Sales are held several times a year for the recycling of valuable multiple clothing and other essential equipment.

Member Support

Upon contacting the Vice President of Hospitality, a member of the Hospitality Committee is assigned to you so that you can receive one-on-one attention for answers to any questions you may have. After becoming a member, we have a full range of services to help you grow as a parent of multiples.

We maintain a large library of books on twins and triplets, parenting, and child development. The resources of the library are available to all members at the General Meetings.

The monthly newsletter, "Multiple Miracle News", contains information on our upcoming meetings and activities, a members only classified section, and "scoops" (a column in which members can share a bit about the monthly adventures of their families).

Our Support Chairperson is available to establish and maintain an information network to assist with multiple-related questions, problems, and concerns for members and prospective members. Once you become a member, a page in our Member Scrapbook will be assiged to you for picutres and a description of your family. The scrapbook and Club Album, which are maintained by our Historian, are available for viewing at General Meetings. Also, your name and your family's important dates will be kept in our membership database from which we create our roster and mailing list.

We keep in touch with all members through our Telephone Committee and Sunshine Chairperson. Our Telephone Committee may call you to remind you of any meetings and special activities.

For more information, you may contact Deirdre Eagles, President, or Judi Copenbarger, Vice President/Historian

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