This page is about my brother Vince. Yes, he was born on Halloween. My mother had a friend, named Jean, and when she first heard that mom was pregrent, Jean told my mom that she was going to have either a little witch or a little warlock. And she was right. I was only 10 months old, so I didn't really know what Halloween was about, so I didn't miss much that year. I stayed with my Grandparents, and helped pass out candy.

Because of this, Halloween has always been a big affair in our family and our mother would always decorate the house. Even as we got older, our house was always decorated. It was great growing up in a home like ours. When we were younger, sometimes it would embarrass us, since we were the only house decorted, but as we grew older, it became more fun. Mom still likes to decorate. She has some pictures and I will get them from her just to put on this page. Just hope she doesn't find out. Vince always thought that everyone celebrated Halloween just to celebrate his birthday. Sometimes I still think that he feels this way. Oh come on, Vince, why would the whole country celbrate your birthday. Ha ha ha. I mean, just because you were born on this day. *Giggle*.

This web page designed by: My mom June-Carole.
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