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since May 14, 1999

Gauld Family Reunion

You are Cordially Invited

You are Cordially Invited

ALL GAULDs and family members

are invited to the Fifth Annual Gauld Family Reunion

To be held Saturday, July 22, 2000

At the Walton Junction Sportsmans Club

Fife Lake, Michigan

" A life is not lost when it is known to future generations "



George Gauld Connection (family web page with outline descendant trees & surname lookups)

Can you help identify us?

Contact Information

Hot Links

Family Trees

Map to Walton Junction Sportsmans Club - Fife Lake, Michigan

RSVP to WebMaster if you plan on coming

(This website is always under construction)

You are cordially invited to attend

the 5th Annual Gauld Family Reunion on Saturday, July 22, 2000 from 1:00 pm till? at the Walton Junction Sportsmans Club in Fife Lake, Michigan. If you like to camp - we have the Clubhouse and grounds from Friday night till Sunday morning. Hope to C - U - there.


  1. Pot Luck - bring a dish to pass and your own place settings.
  2. White Elephant Auction & Bake Sale - (Please bring a white elephant item and/or baked good to be auctioned off - proceeds to help fund Reunion '2000 - The Next Millennium. A BILLY BASS SINGING FISH will be included in the Auction.
  3. See and Hear Billy Sing!

  4. Family Name Bingo - (If you would like to play, please bring a gift not more than $5.00 to be used as prizes).

Family "Pictures"

Are always enjoyed. Why not bring those favorites to share with others and even have your family group photo taken to be included in the Great Cooking remembrance book.

Chit Chat, Kidz Games & Lotz More

We hope to have another great turnout and meet all those Aunts, Uncles and Cousins we never knew we had.

Great Cooking

Does anyone have any family recipes that they would like to have included in a Remembrance Cookbook of all those GAULD favorites. Bring them with you to the Reunion or if you can't make it and would like them included mail them to George & Anita Gauld. Please let us know if this is a hand-me-down recipe and include the person or ancestors name who created or perfected it. The proceeds from the cookbook sales will help fund future reunions.

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50 Years - author unknown

Fifty years is a mighty long time,

Some people would say.

With Love and a happy life,

The years have swiftly passed away.

The golden years are wonderful years,

Time for our children and time to rest,

Time for more reading and reflections,

And realized how much we are blessed.

Fifty years have so many changes,

In our World, in many ways;

So we ponder, which is best --,

Today or the yesterdays.

So a book of memories, takes us back

Along memory lane --,

Where we would love to walk

And live it all over again.

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Can you Help Identify Us?

These photos are from the 1868 family bible of George Gauld & Catherine Bonner who were married December 13, 1868 in Lachute, Argentuil, Quebec.

PHOTOS - (when finished viewing photo, please click back button to return your browser to this page)

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

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Hot Links

George Gauld Connection

Family Tree Maker Descendant Trees

Sunshine and Shadows memoirs by Evangeline (Cook) Wright includes COOK family tree


Queries - View

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Family Trees - Are we related? - (this portion to be completed soon)



















Elusive surnames:

Bonner, Chromie, Gauld, Gianella, Kellogg, Merlo, Prouty, Wright

Can you help fill in the blanks? Looking forward to hearing from you.

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MAPS and Directions -

Use this link from ExpediaMap.Com to locate Fife Lake, Michigan,-85.35108000433574&A=250&OX=0&OY=0&E=Pa2c7a

You should be able to simply click on the URL to view a navigable map. If that doesn't work, copy and paste the above URL into your Web browser.


Map to Walton Junction Sportsmans Club - Fife Lake, Michigan

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Please RSVP if you plan on coming. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

The favour of a reply is requested on or before July 21, 2000 by snail mail, e-mail or phone.

Name ______________________________

Number of Persons Attending ____________________

Anita Gauld - Webmaster

Snail Mail: 314 Pierce - Fife Lake, Michigan 49633

Phone: (616) 879-3969

Contact me: E-Mail: Anita_Gauld@Hotmail.Com (Munson Medical Center)Work (please send attachments here)


Contact me by web pager:

You can respond to this invitation online.
If you have ICQ my ICQ# is 23187866
You can download ICQ at

We Live as Long as We Can Be Remembered

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Last Revised: July 1, 2000

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