My name is Joan and I make my home in S E Virginia.
I was born in Norfolk, Va. into a Navy family, so yes I am a Navy "Brat".
I can't tell you how many times I have stood at pierside, waiting for a
big gray image of a ship, to come into site. And with any military family,
there are always the holidays, that the family is not together.Even though
my Dad was in the military, we somehow stayed in the Norfolk area, while
I was growing up.
In 1961 I married John, and in coming years this marriage produced
three sons. Gene, Rick and Chris, and they have blessed us with
beautiful and healthy grandchildren. We feel truely blessed, that we have
not had to face any major medical problems, not only with our children, but
also our grandchildren.
Over the years I worked as a beautician and sect./bookkeeper.
My husband worked for a local shipyard as an electrician until December
13th of 1973, when he was envolved in a near fatal accident at work.
While trying to lower "ship to shore" cable down to a ship in drydock, the
cable got away from the workers, and as a result John got caught in a loop
of the cable, catching both legs and dragging him to the edge of the drydock.
As a result, both of his legs were nearly completely severed. Thanks to the
great doctors he had at the Naval Hospital, his legs were re-attached, and
he did not require having to be fitted with artificial limbs. Because of the
injuries; he was forced to retire on disability.
Over the years I have had numerous hobbies and I still
do alot of craft work, which I sell at local craft shows.
On several occasions we have had the pleasure of meeting
a few of the chatters from the 60+ chat room. It is so nice
to be able to actually meet the people you chat with.
I like to travel, although we aren't able to, as much as we would like. A few years ago
I also enjoyed skiing. Now I figure the old bones won't heal as fast, so have put that aside.
We like to go to Florida every chance we can. There is nothing to compare to a sunset from
the seven mile bridge at Marathon, or the square at Key West!

In May of '99 I suffered a stroke, and I have to tell
you, there have been some major changes in my life.
After a hospital stay and some surgery, I have made
a fairly good recovery. I lost the sight in my left eye
which the doctors say I probably won't recover. I have
accepted this, and am thankful it did not leave me
paralized or worse. Ever since this happened, I am not
able to spend as much time with some of the grandkids
etc. I still tire easily and as most of you know,
granchildren can really keep you hopping sometimes.
I am looking forward to when I can do some traveling

" My Hubby "
" Our Three Sons "
" Our Grandchildren "
Two of the girls Madisen and Taylor,were born on St. Patrick's Day.

Some years ago, I found this poem ,that had been
cut out of a magazine; in a book of poems etc. that
my Mother had written.
Recently I saw it again on the net , and wanted
to share it. Good food for thought!

" Give Now "
I would rather have one little rose
From a garden of a friend ,
Than to have the choicest flowers
When my stay on earth must end .
I would rather have one pleasant word
In kindness said to me ,
Than flattery when my heart is still ,
And life has ceased to be .
I would rather have a loving smile ,
From friends I know are true
Than tears shed 'round my casket ,
When this world I bid adieu .
Blossoms bring to me today ,
Whether pink or white or red ,
I'd rather have one blossom now ,
Than a truckload when I'm dead .
Author Unknown

Some people come into our lives and quickly go
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts,
And we are never the same....

May Your Guardian Angel
Watch Over You Today...
And Always !

Please visit my other page, dedicated to the memory
of the men and women,who gave
their lives while serving our
Police and Fire Department's.

Also visit the Memorial Page....dedicated to the
members we recently lost, in the 60+ chat room.

And visit my Grandaughters Racing Page.

Please take a few moments
if you will, to sign my
" Guest Book ".
I'd love to hear from you!
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