Earth Sciences 2150
Fall Semester
Welcome to the early age of astronomy! Since the beginning of man, there has been a deep curiosity about the world around him. The first astronomers, that we know about, were also the first farmers. In their quest for the perfect land to grow their crops and to nurture their livestock, they learned about the seasons and then created the first calendars to help predict the seasons.
Over the centuries, there has been a wealth of people who we label astronomers, that have tried to explain the workings of the universe. The technology of today of course, has given us many of the answers that ancient astronomers never did find. It was their curiosity and theories however that got us to this point. We have seen the beginnings and explanations of the geocentric universe (earth centered) up to the heliocentric universe (sun centered). There is also an abundance of evidence that suggests our ancient ancestors knew much more about the universe than we had at first believed. Each astronomer discussed in the following pages had their own model of the universe. Most have a limited view but they do provide the basis for the more correct models of today. The following pages will explore our ancient astronomers and the evidence that supports their theories. To begin, please click on The origin.
The origin
Astronomical Monuments
(From 190 B.C. up to 1600)
Graphic Credits :
Star Baby Designs
Argis' Space Oddessy
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