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Anne Michaela
My name is Anne Sheldon and I am a very happy 35 year old single parent to my beautiful daughter, Michaela. I graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2002 with a BSc in Geography. My favorite things are playing with my daughter, listening to classical music, playing with our dog, Bella and my newest venture, sea kayaking. I graduated from The College of Geomatic Sciences and received an advanced diploma in GIS/Remote Sensing. I returned to the Rock and tried to get work in my field but the unwillingness to leave my home has forced me to follow other career paths. Michaela is 9 years old right now and celebrates her birthday on New Years Eve! She is in grade four right now and doing very well indeed. She has just finished her Heritage Fair project about the Newfoundland Dog on Power Point, no less! Her favorite things are reading, ballet, rollerblading, swimming, playing in the park and any kind of dance music! I might be bragging a little but she is the most loving little girl I have ever known.

I am originally from Virgin Arm, New World Island, Newfoundland but am now residing in St.John's, Newfoundland.

Photo Album

New World Island

High Tide Cottage

Devoted to Raggedy Anne

Devoted to Newfoundland

A submission to Memorial University of Newfoundland

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**The Thousand Acre Wood and all associated characters were created by A.A.Milne**