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The Cub Scout Trail

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Welcome to the Cub Scout Trail 

This web sight is targeted toward Cub Scout leaders everywhere.  Inside you will find Cub Scout songs, skits, ceremonies, stunts, campfire programs, recipes for the outdoors and many more Scouting program ideas.  The main page in each section is updated monthly to provide you with a fresh Scouting program every month.  We hope there is something in here for everyone from the Den Leader to the District Executive.  We also have an area designated for the Scouting family where parents can find ways they can help their cub succeed in Scouts.  This page is sponsored by Pack 483 and Twin Rivers District in Charleston SC.

Leaders Enter Here


There is no announcements at this time. If you have any to post,you may contact me using the webmasters link on this page.  Looking forward to seeing you all the next pack meeting.

Yours In Scouting


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