I hope you have a few minutes because there are lots of interesting and fun links for both kids and adults!
I hope you enjoy your visit here at TCK Daycare!
A very special friend of mine gave me my first award for this site. Take a minute and stop by and see her wonderful place! Thank You Nancy!
Please Support HIR, click the banner below to find out more.
To the Graphic Artists, Thank You!
A House Full Of Kids, A Room Full Of Toys A Home Full Of Fun, A Place Full Of Noise A Heart Full Of Love, For Each Girl And Boy Thats A Childcare Home!
Here are some great poems to read to make us, as parents and caregivers, stop and think of our children. Time goes so fast. Stop and give your children an extra hug and an "I Love You" today!
This one must be read by all who have or had toddlers in their lives!
Be sure to visit my page dedicated to my family!
I Have Added Message Boards!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I turn to these pages if I have any questions on childrens health, parenting tips, ideas for crafts, or almost anything else! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlos' Interactive Coloring Book Paper Projects to Print and Color ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disney Online: 365 Outdoor Activities Jean Armour Polly's Fifty Extraordinary Experiences for Internet Kids Please say a prayer for all of the missing children in this world. They need us! God bless them, watch over them, and keep them safe until they are home again.
I would love to hear from you if you have any ideas to share or if you would like to swap ideas!