~ I have These ~
(Note: "Retired" Beanies are Underlined)
1998 Holiday Bear 1999 Holiday Teddy Almond Amber
Ants B. B. Bear Batty Batty - Ty DyeD Beak
Bernie Blackie Blizzard Bones Bongo Bruno
Bucky Butch Canyon Cheeks Chip Chipper
Chocolate Claude Clubby Congo Crunch Cubbie Curly
Daisy Derby Derby n/s Doby Doodle Dotty
Early Ears Echo Eggbert Erin Eucalyptus Ewey
Fetch Fleece Flip Flitter Floppity Fortune
Freckles Fuzz Gigi Goatee Gobbles
Goochy Gracie Groovy Halo Happy Hippie
Hippity Hissy Honks Hope Hoppity - Pink Bunny Inch
Jabber Jake Jolly Kicks Knuckles Kuku Legs
Lips Lizzie Loosy Luke Lucky Mac Mel
Millenium Mooch Mystic r/m
Nanook Neon Nibbler Nibbly Nuts Osito
Patti Paul Peace Peanut L/B Pecan Pinchers
Pinky Pouch Pounce Prance Prickles Princess
Puffer Pugsly Pumpkin Quackers w/w Rainbow b/gn
Rainbow ty-dye Ringo Roam Roary Rover
Rocket Sammy Santa Scaly Scat Schweetheart
Scoop Scorch Scottie Seaweed Sheets
Signature Bear Silver Slippery Sloth Sly w/b
Smoochy Snip Snort Snowball Spangle (B/F)
Spangle (P/F) Spangle (W/F) Spike Spinner
Spooky Spunky Squealer Stilts Stinger Stinky Stretch
Stripes Strut The End Tiny Tiptoe Tuffy Tracker
Twigs Ty2k Valentina Valentino Wallace
Waddle Waves Whisper Wise Wiser Wrinkles
Zero Ziggy
~ My WISH List ~
1997 Teddy Glory
Hoot Nip
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