RoyalScot farm |
Pedigreed Rex rabbits, border collies, farm promotional services, lessons, consulting |
left to right above- Border collies Gael, Luke, and Jim, blue merle border collie. We are excited about this nice young dog! |
Home to RoyalScot Bear's Lady, 2003 5th place senior broken Rex doe at ARBA National Convention! see her *here*! |
Jeff Bates |
ROYALSCOT calendars, cookbook, stickers, promotional services *here*!!! |
more about RoyalScot |
tribute to police and ems here |
click *here* for border collies. |
Bring the spirit of adventure and learn skills to take home as well as relax and enjoy the beautiful countryside. See what life is like where the seasons and the animals determine time, not just clocks and calendars. I am starting a series of online classes to help those beginning learn the pitfalls and rewards, and in some cases get an idea of what to expect living on a small farm. For more information on these classes or farm promotion services me - information on the classes: These are reasonable in cost, non-credit classes to help people learn before getting into a project and getting overwhelmed. These are $30 per class or 4/$100. It doesn't include books, which will be as reasonably priced as possible. Some classes include country living - myth vs reality, basics of sheep and goats, cattle, poultry, rabbits or horses; deciding where to start homesteading (what to do first); voluntary simplicity - begin where you are; planning and planting a garden; relocation - shopping for a homestead area; garden methods; creativity in nonfiction writing; using reality in fiction writing; using a journal as a record and to develop writing; basics of budget cooking; gift giving from the home/farm; creating a gift journal for children/grandchildren. Cash or barter! For those wishing to learn more about farming check out one of many lists on YahooGroups that RoyalScot hosts including farm-cityeducation@yahoogroups. For those in farming (or planning too!) consider also farm_trader@yahoogroups, AgSingles@yahoogroups or AgChristians@yahoogroups. These groups are FREE!! |
Rabbits for sale. Click *here* to see more and to see the other RoyalScot bucks as well as our BORDER COLLIES! |
For more information about sales prep and horse services click here |
RoyalScot also offers handmade soaps, bath oils, bath salts and other specialty products. Take a piece of the farm to your home, no matter where you are. These soaps are all handmade. One of the unique things about my soaps is I don't generally use coconut oil, which is used commercially to make a "sudsy" bar but is also drying. I have many recipes developed myself including some with oatmeal, cornmeal and a regular milk soap. Also have a honey cleanser available, hope to have more products! Bath salts/oils and other goodies! To learn more about updates of what is for sale when, join the RoyalScot list! |
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Bay City Rollers |
Rosetta Stone |
RoyalScot at the 2000 ADGA National show bred a TOP TEN 3 year old recorded grade milker RoyalScot Sip O Whisky (RoyalScot Melody's St. Patrick X RoyalScot Whisky's Half Pint)...Sip is a very special doe who was a "scrawny yearling" when her dam was killed by dogs as a 2 year old. Sip was the only daughter I had from that doe...and my has the "scrawny yearling" turned in to a beautiful three year old! Also 6th place junior doeling, RoyalScot Opposite View (Wolfe X Tempo Aquila Free Prize) was in the herd. Senior recorded grade 13th place RoyalScot Free To Believe was another representative. In memory of the herd...not only for the placings in shows but as companions and milk producers. While RoyalScot no longer has dairy goats, we have focused attention to producing top quality rabbits. |
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