September, 1999 | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
our desert community grow
- support the YFD Ladies Auxiliary.
The YFD Ladies Auxiliary is now being organized. The first informal meeting was conducted on August 14, 1999. Hosted by Gale Fisher, the meeting was intended to gain a picture of what the organization planned for its future goals. Many topics were covered and the ideas that were discussed were all well received. From college scholarships to Station Holiday dinners, the main theme was family and unity. It is the goal of the Ladies Auxiliary to form an independent, non-political association of spouses and significant others of Yuma Fire Department personnel. Immediate projects include the drafting of Auxiliary by-laws and establishing association objectives, goals and activities. Above and beyond that, the Ladies Auxiliary hopes to go out into the community and provide some aid where needed. This would be in the form of scholarships and Thanksgiving dinners, and providing support for such worthy causes as the National Fire Prevention Week. This will all take a tremendous amount of effort to organize, but with the full support of the ladies of the Auxiliary, our goals are attainable. If you were unable to attend the first meeting, please put the second meeting on your calendar NOW and plan to bring a YFD friend along. |
go out to Captain Daniel Padilla of the City of Yuma Fire
Department for all of his outstanding achievements. On
Thursday, September 9th, 1999, Daniel received the first
annual Arizona Fire Trainer of the Year Award from the
Arizona Fire Training Association. Not only is Daniel an outstanding trainer, he has been instrumental in various health services for both Yuma City and County, and helped organize the childhood immunization clinics. He also established the Basic Life Support Training Center for the Fire Department for Emergency Medical Technician Certification. Fire Chief Gary Fisher praised Daniel for his accomplishments, saying, "He is a leader with great vision who can be counted on to get the job done regardless of the adversity he may face." |
Off to Washington! Kudos to Michael Young, son of Fire Engineer Gary Young and his wife Carrie, on being selected to attend the Washington Leadership Training Institute program. Michael and fellow student Oliver Arellano will meet members of Congress, and learn about government and management procedures. KOFA's VICA club is actively fundraising to help cover the costs of sending Michael and Oliver to Washington to participate in this wonderful opportunity. Donations are also being accepted. If you would like to donate, please contact Ron Pixley at (520) 726-5750. |
On a Wing and a Skate
Calendar of Events
Next Auxiliary Meeting:
20th September, 1999 from 7-9pm, at Station One in the
Training Classroom. The next
YFD Ladies Auxiliary meeting is scheduled for Monday,
September 20th at 7 :00pm in the Training Classroom at
Station One. If you are interested in membership, holding office and/or committee work, but are unable to attend the September meeting, please contact us at |
The Safe House Domestic Violence Shelter Program is seeking candidates to serve on the Safe House Program Advisory Board for the 1999-2000 FY term. For more information, call Catholic Community Services at (520)341-9400 or (520)782-0077. The deadline to submit your nomination is October 1, 1999. |
City Employees Picnic: Saturday, 2nd October, 1999
from 5:30-9pm, at Ray Kroc Baseball Statium.
Prevention Week: 3rd - 9th October,
1999. This year's theme is once again Fire Drills
- The Great Escape. Fire Prevention Week, October 3rd – 9th, 1999. |
YFDLA is a non-profit organization. | © YFDLA, August, 1999 |