Ladies Auxiliary |
Volume 1, Issue VII
President: Amanda
Vice President: Barbie
Van Fleet
Treasurer: Shawna Estrada
Historians: Carla Waterford & Veronica Guzman
Secretary: Lynn Light
Muster 2000 The Muster was a lot of fun and thanks to all the YFDLA members who participated, especially to the kids who helped us out. The turnout was great and everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks also go to Captain Joe Waterford for a splendid MC job. Way to go, Joe! Congratulations go to Captain Gene Tutell and his team, who won the Muster games. It was great to see a team from Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, too. Again, thanks to all the firefighters who participated in the games and made the day exciting as well as fun! We hope next year’s Muster will be even bigger and better! YFDLA T-Shirts Carla still has a few YFDLA member T-shirts left. The shirts are beige with red lettering and the costs is $6.50 per shirt up to size XLG. For XX, the price will be $7.50. These T-Shirts are only available to members who have paid their dues (remember, annual dues are only $5.00!!) Please contact Carla at or phone 342-0612. YFD
Centennial T-Shirts Available in a variety of colors and sizes. Adult $15.00, child $8.00. If you would like one of the Yuma Fire Department Centennial T-shirts, please contact Tammy Smith at 317-1823. Please make checks payable to United Yuma Fire Fighters Association. Hearty Welcomes We also welcome two new members, Jill Deever and Clara Tolomei. Welcome, ladies!! We hope to see you again at the next meeting. 3rd Annual Yuma County Child Burn Survivors Benefit Tournament
Start time is 8am at Mesa Del Sol Golf Club. Entry fee $75 ($85 after March 17th). All proceeds go to sending local child burn survivors to Burn Camp. If any Auxiliary members would be able to help serve lunch to the players for one and a half hours, Paul Evancho would be eternally grateful. Time needed would be from 11:30am to1:00pm. If you are able to help out with this needy cause please call him at 539-9348. For more information and an entry form, please contact Paul Evancho at 539-2420 (voice mail) or visit: Mother’s Day Picnic 13 May 2000 YFDLA sponsored! RSVP by 6 May 2000 Call Carla at 342-0612 Bring Mom and a side dish too! Open to all Fire Department members and their families. Calendar of Events 3rd Annual Yuma County Child Burn Survivors Benefit Tournament 2nd April, 2000 Hosted by UYFFA at Mesa Del Sol Gold Club. YFD Ladies Auxiliary Meeting, April 12th, 2000 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Station One in the Training Classroom. Please attend. Arizona Fire Chief’s Association & Arizona Fire Trainer’s Association Joint Spring Conference Grace Inn, Awatukee - April 12-16, 2000 To register, call Bob or Joyce Weber at (623) 581-8596 or (800) 522-1773. Arizona Fire Trainers Association Board Meeting, April 16th, 2000 Grace Inn, Awatukee at 8 am. All members welcome. Mother’s Day Picnic, May 13th, 2000 Open to all Fire Department members and their families. This will be a BBQ sponsored by YFDLA. Please bring a side dish and RSVP no later than May 6th, 2000 to Carla Waterford at 342-0612. More details will be available soon. Reading Volunteers Needed The Yuma Reading Council is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of combating illiteracy. We are an adult education organization, however, we also provide readers to read children books during story hour at Barnes and Noble and at Hastings on Saturdays. We are looking for interested people who would be willing to volunteer an hour out of their Saturdays to read to children. If you are interested, please contact Jenny or Barbara at 343-9363. |