Ladies Auxiliary |
September, 2000 | Volume 2, Issue 1 |
President: Amanda
Vice President: Barbie
Van Fleet
Treasurer: Shawna Estrada
Historians: Carla Waterford & Veronica Guzman
Secretary: Lynn Light
President's Message
Dear Ladies, It was quite an experience serving on the first Yuma Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. I would like to thank the board members who spent a lot of time at the beginning of the year in executive board meetings, trying to get the By-laws drafted from scratch before they were presented to the auxiliary. It was a very challenging task, but was well done. I would also like to thank all of the members for striving their best to attend the meetings. We realize that the meeting days are not going to fit everyone's schedule, but for the most part, we had successful and productive meetings. A lot was accomplished this past year. We had two meetings worth of by-laws, naming the auxiliary, and shirt designs. Once all of those issues were established, we were then able to assist at the Firefighters' Muster, which was a great deal of fun (not to mention a little contribution into our treasury). We also made goody baskets for all of the fire stations and the police department during the Millennium New Year. Some of us read for children at Barnes and Noble. We also assisted in the Centennial Celebration with those adorable centerpieces. We had a Mother's Day family fun picnic at Kennedy Park. However, most importantly, we all got to know each other better. There were several new faces at the beginning of the year whom I can now call friends and fellow firefighter sisters! Out of all the comments I hear the most, that seemed to really be the unanimous praise. Several friendships were formed, not only among the members, but also with the children who stood by each meeting until late evening. I depart my position as President with a big thank you for everyone's support and confidence that next year will be another great one! Sincerely, Amanda Stoermer President, 1999-2000 |
Minutes - September 14th, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:30
pm Dues were paid. Members Present: Amanda Stoermer, Pam Green, Debbie Tutell, Cheri Allen, Kathy Padilla, Carla Waterford, Julie Ott and Lynn Light. Old Business Treasurer’s Report: Amanda brought in a statement of the account and it reflects a balance of $283.43. Arrangements will be made with the out-going Treasurer to pass over the account and all reports, receipts and information to the incoming Treasurer. Dues: Membership dues are now due. If you have not yet paid your membership dues of $5, then please do so now. Mexican Fire Chiefs Visit: This will take place on October 12th and Pam Green is heading up this committee. A few people have volunteered to help set up tables and refreshments for this function. Pam is still accepting offers of help. Volunteers are asked to please wear their YFDLA T-shirts and meet at Fire Station One at 7:30 AM on the 12th. Pam will call Dennis Light to verify last minute details. Centennial Banquet: YFDLA was asked to help out with the banquet, but politely declined, since we felt we would not be able to enjoy the banquet if we had to be busy doing other things. Marty asked if we needed money for the Centennial Banquet, to provide for centerpieces, etc. However, we think they will be using the same centerpieces that we made for the Centennial Celebration. The Centennial Banquet is to be held at the Officers Club at MCAS Yuma on October 21st. Reimbursement: A motion was made to reimburse Lynn for printing costs of the newsletter. A check will be written in the amount of $59.11 as soon as the incoming Treasurer receives the account information. This is to cover the cost of one color cartridge, one black cartridge and one ream of paper. New Officers: Amanda Stoermer withdrew her nomination for Treasurer and Gale Fisher withdrew her nomination for Secretary. A motion was made that Kathy Padilla be nominated for Secretary. The motion was seconded and passed, and Kathy Padilla was added to the ballot. The votes were then cast and all nominees were instated as follows: Angela Jaynes, President Pam Green, Vice President Cheri Allen, Treasurer Cathy Padilla, Secretary Julie Ott, Historian All officers accepted their positions. Congratulations, ladies! Future Meetings: A motion was made that the 10th day of every month should be set for future meetings. When the 10th falls on a Friday or a Sunday, the meeting will automatically be pushed to the Saturday at 7PM at Fire Station One, unless otherwise stated. The motion was seconded and passed. Pam will check with Beryl to see if the Training Room is available on the 10th of every month and if it is not, we will decide upon an alternate venue. It was proposed that we try to make up a schedule for the year’s meetings, to try and eliminate any confusion over future meetings. Newsletter: Gale stated that we have not been proving enough newsletters for all the personnel of the department, that we need at least 107 newsletters as we should be including the Dispatchers as well. It was also suggested that we mail postcards as reminders of the meetings. Gale said she would print up the address labels. It was also suggested that the secretary be provided with a complete mailing list and that the secretary should check with Marty every month prior to mailing to ensure the accuracy of the mailing list. New Business Officers Terms: A suggestion was made to stagger the terms that the officers serve in order to make for a smoother transition. This means that only a few of the officers will change, allowing some to remain in office, while allowing others to change, so all the officers are not completely new all at once. This will be open for discussion at the next meeting. We will have to decide on which officer will serve a 2 year term and which officer will serve a 1 year term. If was suggested that the President and Treasurer terms be offset from the Vice-President, Secretary and Historian’s terms, with perhaps the President and Treasurer serving a 2 year term. This could also be rotated through the various positions, so that each position gets to serve 2 years at some point. Again, this will be open for further discussion at the next meeting. Thanksgiving: Amanda suggested that we do something for Thanksgiving for one needy family in Yuma. A Thanksgiving Basket was discussed as well as a ready-made Thanksgiving Dinner. Cheri said she would made a nice card to go with whichever we decide to do. This will be discussed at the next meeting and voted upon. Christmas & Fund Raisers: Several suggestions were made for things that we could do in and about the community. These included: setting up a gift wrapping stall at either Barnes & Noble or Staples, sponsoring a needy family for Christmas, bake sales, taco rolls, a pizza take-over at Roundtable Pizza and a take-over at Cold Stone’s. We will discuss these possibilities further at the next meeting. Special Occasion Funds: It was proposed that we each bring $1 to all future meetings to put into a fund for special occasions. This would enable us to buy a savings bond for a newborn or to send flowers for a bereavement and any other special occasions that arise. We will vote on this at the next meeting. Announcements: Next Meeting: 10th October 2000, 7pm @ Station 1 Guest Speaker: Sandy Pacula of the Yuma Reading Council will be giving a brief presentation on Adult Illiteracy and the YRC’s adult education program at the next meeting. She is seeking volunteers to help out with this worthwhile cause. If you are interested, please attend the October 10th meeting to see how you can help. Adjournment: 8:30 PM |
YFDLA's New Executive Board!
President: Angela Jaynes
Vice President: Pam Green
Treasurer: Cheri Allen
Secretary: Cathy Padilla
Historian: Julie Ott
Congratulations, Ladies!!!
We all wish you the very best in the year ahead. See you at the next meeting.