October 6, 1999
Sign In
Pass out Agenda
Pass out Questionnaires
Pass out the fund raiser info
Call to Order 7:15 pm
Reading of Minutes
Treasurer's Report We got the check from the Union - donation $102 to get us started. Thank you gift suggested. Bank accont is not established yet. Gale is supposed to get the info packet tomorrow.
President's Report
Secretary's Report - email newsletter items
Committee Reports - none established yet
Unfinished Business
By Laws - copies handed out for
Membership discussed (including
retirees), participation in functions encouraged, dues ($5) - still all to be
voted upon - non refundable, to be payable on vote night - vote to be held next
Officers discussed, meetings decided
at meetings, special meetings, members notified at least 24 hours in advanced,
elections in September, board meetings as needed, to organize events etc.
Article VI - committees
For different functions. Chairperson for each committee, who shall report to
the auxiliary. Participate in at least one committee per year.
Article VII - Voting
One third of current membership shall constitute a quorum - see by laws
Article VIII - Conduct
Represent FD, the auxiliary and the community of Yuma. No profanity, dress and
use common sense. If you have an issue, please try to communicate it in a reasonable
Article IX - Special Outgoing
Newborns - saving bond $25, high school grads, etc, to be determined at a later
Article X - Amendments
Can be made at any regular meeting.
Question over the "Ladies"
Auxiliary - politically correct - will remove the ladies
Mission Statement - must strike "Ladies" from the statement
Mission Statement - in the by laws
Dues $5
New Business
Name Organization Desert Flames, the Flame & The Rose, Flaming Hearts, just
plain auxiliary
Shirt Design - Some t-shirts shown to gain idea of what would be good. Will
be decided upon at next meeting so bring your designs
Return Questionnaires -
Meeting Gale's Challenge - to bring a new member to the meeting.
Fire Prevention Week - this week.
9 on Sat activities for kids etc
Daniel Padilla on C Crew - to volunteer.
Newsletter & Web Page
Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas
Upcoming Events
Amanda & Lee Stoermer - baby daughter Madison
Victoria & Steve Legros - baby daughter Cassidy
Brandie & Travis Elam - baby daughter Sierra
Jenny Unterseh miscarried.
Yuma Reading Council is seeking volunteers for the Saturday morning story hour at Barnes & Noble. If interested please call Jenny or Barbara at 343-9363.
Breast Cancer documentary - contact Gale Fisher (October is Breast Cancer Awareness month)
Tri-Tip fund-raiser Friday 5:30 - 8; $8 at the door/$7 in advance
Quarterly workshop
Door Prize: Megan won the door prize.
Next Meeting on B Crew's shift: 1 Nov - 7pm - 9pm Training Room - Station 1
2nd choice 3rd Nov
Call Beryl to confirm
Winterfest Pot Luck to be decided at next meeting.
Fund Raisers & Miscellaneous
Xmas ornaments discussed - profit a high consideration - 47 ornaments the cost
is 17.95/case (24 in a case)
First Committee for the Xmas ornament
- any takers?
Or secretary?
Stalls infront of stores - require manger's permission to do so - but something to look into
Exposure needed
Fire Cookies - suggested
Any ideas for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas, etc.
Thanksgiving or Xmas pot luck with Santa Claus for the kids etc.
Union doing a haunted house for
Halloween - maybe we could help out?
Ginny Legros and Angela Haynes may run committee for that. At the Yuma Territorial
Prison - cell to cell. Support - for now. Help at themuster
Muster - meeting
Trying to get Gila Street
Hank & Steve are trying to get the City to fix the street by the muster.
It's in February (26th) - we will help and they will split the profits. Mini
muster ofr the kids, also concessions stand, t-shirt stand, soda, beer
about 5 stands
We will man the stands, serve the refreshments, etc.
Lee & Bill are on the muster committee - they will let us know what we can
Baby-sitters - should we do something
for them. Movie pass once a quarter or gift certificate?
Feel free to bring refreshments.
Adjournment 8:45