Attending: Pam Green, Cheri Allen, Julie Ott, Valerie Bird, Gale Fisher & Lynn Light
The meeting was called to order at 7:12 PM by Vice President Pam Green
President's Report
St. Patrick's Day
At the last meeting, the possibility of having a booth at the St. Patrick's Day Block Party was discussed. It was suggested that we should have 2 booths - one for corned beef and cabbage, and the other to sell Bullfrogs tickets.
Cathy Padilla sent notice that T&A would be donating the cabbage and the potatoes for the event. And that Pueblos (or Pablos?) would be happy to loan YFDLA the necessary pots and pans needed for the occasion, providing we give them a list of our needs. It was also stated that we would still need to find condiments and utensils for the occasion. We would also still have to get the corned beef.
Cheri Allen said that Carrie Young might also have some large pans that we could borrow.
Cindy Landin was going to help us set up a booth through KTTI. Angela signed some kind of contract with KTTI regarding the booth(s), but we're not sure at this time what the contract stipulates.
The St. Patrick's Day Block Party will start at noon - we will need to be there at 10am to set up, and we will need a minimum of 9 people to staff that booth that day. Pam Green, Angela Jaynes and Gale Fisher all have prior committments that day, so will be unable to help. Pam Green suggested that we might want to forego the St. Patrick's Day Block Party, due to lack of available volunteers. Gale Fisher also expressed concerns about not having enough people to do this, and also didn't think the Bullfrogs booth would be a good idea, as the Bullfrogs would also be having a booth at the block party. Pam Green suggested that we might ask the guys to give us a hand with this one, but Gale Fisher expressed strong concerns about soliciting the firefighters to support our efforts.
Instead of voting outright not to do the St. Patrick's block party, Cheri volunteered to phone around to see if we could get enough volunteers to support the event.
It was also suggested that we might consider doing sodas, if we do go ahead with the event. Pam has a possible contact for that who works at Coca-Cola. However, Gale suggested we see if Paul Evancho would be setting up a soda booth for the Burn Camp at the event also. If he is, maybe we can set up together and help each other out. We just would not want to be in competition with the Burn Camp.
It was also decided that we need to find out what is stipulated in the contract that Angela signed. Cheri was going to try and get together with Angela to discuss the contract on Monday the 19th of February, 2001.
Gale stated that she had some tables and a cash drawer that we could use if we did decide to go ahead with the booth(s).
Muster (24th February)
The upcoming Muster was discussed. YFDLA would only be needed to provide manual labor for the concession booth, and we would not be doing refreshments as we did last year, just burgers and hot dogs. Carla will be manning the Bullfrogs booth.
Lynn asked about the big coffee urns and juice coolers, and the condiments left over from the Mexican Fire Chief's breakfast, but discovered that the condiments were purchased by the Fire Department, not YFDLA, so we would not be able to use them. We would have to purchase our own.
Old Business
YFDLA T-Shirts - are still available. Call Carla is you would like one.
Treasurer's Report
Monies are still coming in from the taco sale. We have $476 in checking, with a profit of $430. People want to know when we will be doing another taco sale!!!
It was also reported that everyone has been reimbursed to date.
Special Occasion Fund
The issue of the special occasion fund was raised and it was stated that we had not been doing a real good job of tending to the special occasions in others lives. It was mentioned that there had been several births that had not been acknowledged with a gift. We decided that we would do better. Lynn mentioned that she had seen baby gift packs at Sam's Club for about $20 each. Cheri said she had also seen them, and we voted that Cheri should go to Sam's and buy a few for future occasions. Pam said she would email the births info to us. We also discussed the idea of Cheri purchasing us a card and a plant to send to Cindy Landin, to wish her well, but it was decided to hold off on this until we are sure that she is home.
Gale also said she had contacted Bill Snider about the family in the trailer fire - the burned kids need bikes. There are 4 kids - 2 boys & 2 girls, ages 4 - 5 and 8 - 10. Pam said she would start moving on the bike project and that helmets would be included. It was noted that someone had donated a brand new mobile home to the family and that Big Bob's Carpeting donated carpeting and someone else donated a safer heating system to the family. It was also stated that Angela had a girls' and a boy's bike that she would donate.
Safe House
The needs of the Safe House were briefly discussed. However, since Cindy is out sick at the moment, we didn't have any further information on that.
Tax ID #
The issue of the Tax ID # came up yet again. Foothills Bank has said that they will try and find the information for us if we give them a copy of what we have. Cheri will handle this as she is the Treasurer.
Bullfrogs Tickets
Gale has already sold a few Bullfrogs - and we have $150 profit already from Gale's sales alone. The log was given to Cheri. Cathy will have to confer with Cheri to see who else signed up.
Web Page
Lynn mentioned that she had been working on the web page but still needed to find some graphics. She had tried to upload the page and experienced some difficulties in that arena when doing so. She said she would try again and see what had happened.
Midnight at the Oasis
We could not get a booth for this event - however, we might still be able to help another group.
Next Meeting
After considerable discussion, it was decided to try for Wednesday the 7th of March, 2001. Lynn said she would confer with Beryl and see if the room was available that night.
The meeting concluded at 8:02 pm.
Lynn conferred with Beryl on the 16th February and the Training Room is available for the 7th of March at 7pm. Lynn left a message for Pam and also conveyed the message to Gale.