
December 13th, 1999

Minutes for the December 13th, 1999 Meeting

Sign In
Call to Order 7:30 pm

Reading of Minutes: Vice President read the Minutes.

The President made a motion to change the format of the meetings. The new format will allow all business to be conducted within the first 20 minutes of the meeting, after which there would be a social session. In the event that any new business should arise during the course of the social session, then it would be addressed in the Last 15 Minute Session and then be dealt with accordingly at the next meeting if necessary. The motion was voted on and passed.

It was also decided to set the meetings on a regular schedule. The 2nd Wednesday of the month was chosen as the best day, and the meetings are still at 7pm in the Training Room at Station 1. This was done to make it easier for members to remember when the meetings are being held.

Since this has been changed, it was decided that it would be a good idea to publish the meetings in the City newsletter "In The Know." Carla is going to attend to this.

Finished Business
The Winterfest Pot Luck went very well. We had a great turn out and lots of fun. The food that was left over was donated to the Mission.

Unfinished Business

T-Shirts: Carla brought four different designs for the front of the shirt, which will be beige in color with red print. The designs were voted upon and design #2 (which matches the design for the back of the shirt) was chosen. Design #1 received 4 votes, #2 had 6 votes, #3 had 1 vote and #4 also had one vote.

A motion was also made to remove the individual names from the shirt due to the exorbitant costs. The motion was passed unanimously.

The cost of the shirts will be $6.50 for sizes up to XLG. For XX the cost will be $7.50.

Centennial Centerpieces: 2 centerpieces were brought to the meeting. A motion was made to vote on them. The photo triangle received the majority of the votes. It was then proposed that we should work on these on the same evening as the Cookie Baskets at Amanda's on the 30th of December.

New Business

Cookie Baskets - Pam Green made a motion that we should make up some cookie baskets for the crews working during the Y2K Contingency Upstaffing. The baskets would be delivered after 8pm on New Years Eve and again after 8am on New Year's Day. A total of 10 baskets will be required.

The motion was passed and it was agreed that we would meet at Amanda's house on the 30th Dec 1999 to make the baskets up. Everyone is to bake goodies for the baskets and contribute to the decorating of them. Pam will head up the committee on this event. Cheri is going to be making the presentation cards. Delivery of the baskets will be as follows:

Station 1: Pam & Lynn
Station 2: Angela
Station 3: Cheri
Station 4: Barbie
Station 5: Amanda

The Muster Committee Barbie Van Fleet was elected as the Chair on this committee. The Union will meet to discuss the Muster on Tuesday the 14th of December, 1999.

Next Meeting 12 January 2000, 7pm @ Station 1

Adjournment: 9pm