October 11th, 2000
YFDLA Minutes from October 11, 2000
GUEST SPEAKER Sandy Pikula from the Yuma Reading Council spoke with the auxiliary members about the Adult Literacy Program in Yuma and the surrounding communities. The non-profit organization is funded by the United Way and is currently recruiting volunteers for their reading program. Sandy outlined the program and all the requirements. Pamphlets and brochures with the information and schedules for the training sessions were distributed to each member. Extra material was giving to Pam Green, who will act as our resource contact for this area.
The door prize was won by Gail Fisher . A lovely glass mug given by the Yuma Reading Council
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Members present Angela Jaynes,
Pam Green, Cheri Allen, Julie Ott, Manuela Ozuna,
Gale Fisher, Monica Rillamas, C.J. Padilla
Old Business
Special Occasion Fund
A motion was made to begin a separate fund to be used for special occasions such as births, deaths . The fund, which would be a voluntary donation of $1.00 per member, per meeting, would be collected and tracked by the treasurer, Cheri Allen. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasure's Report
Cheri brought in a letter from Amanda Stoermer reflecting the change of officers and has made contact with the bank to do the necessary paperwork to switch the account. Previous signers on the account were Amanda Stoermer, Barbie Van Fleet, and Shawna Estrada. New signers on the account will be Angela Jaynes, Pam Green and Cheri Allen. It was decided the same officer's positions would retain control of the bank account each term. In addition three names will continue to be on the signature card in the event one of the signers are out of town or unavailable for necessary transactions.
Current account balance reflects $283.43 with no active on the account as yet. A check in the amount of $59.11 will be issued to Lynn Light, as soon as possible, for secretarial supplies used last term. Dues and special occasions funds were collected but will remain in Cheri Allen's possession until the account has been switched. Statements and any business mail shall now be sent to Yuma Fire Department at 298 W. 4th St., Yuma, Az. 85364. Attention: YFDLA Treasurer.
Mexican Fire Chiefs Visit
Pam Green gave an update on the event scheduled on Oct 12th from 8:00-9:00 a.m. They have a confirmed 200 Fire Chiefs and an estimated 500 people will attend the event. Volunteers from the Auxiliary are being asked to arrive at YFD Station #1 at 7:00 a.m. for the set-up at Library Park. Auxiliary members were asked to wear their auxiliary shirts and comfortable clothing to help serve coffee, juice, and cookies to all the guests.
Centennial Banquet
The event scheduled for October 21st will be held at the MCAS Sonoran Pueblo Building. Festivities will begin at 6:00 and auxiliary members agreed to help decorate the tables providing we could access the area some time before 2:00 p.m. that day. It was decided we would use the centerpieces and luminaries made by the auxiliary members and supplement them with red, white, and blue helium filled balloons. In addition, Pam Green volunteered to call the auxiliary members once the time for set-up has been confirmed.
Thanksgiving Dinner
The members voted to sponsor a needy family for a Thanksgiving dinner. Estimated costs for a pre-prepared meal from one of the local grocery stores was $40.00-$50.00. Any members wishing to supplement the meal were encouraged to do so.
Further discussion was done on possible future fundraisers. We discussed a pizza take-over at the Round Table Pizza Parlor. The purposed date for the event was November 18th, with a two-hour slot recommended in the evening. Pam Green will continue to research. Other possible fundraisers were Cousin Subs delivered to the schools and a rolled taco sale.
It was agreed upon, that the newsletter should be sent to all 107 employees, in an effort to inform all employees/family of our organization. This may also promote new membership.
New Business
Correspondence It was decided all correspondence to the YFDLA should be sent to the YFD Station #1 at 298 W. 4th street Yuma, Az. 85364. The correspondence should be clearly marked ATTENTION to: the officer or area intended.
The members agreed to continue the newsletter and it would be immediately increased from 80-107. The members also agreed, in an effort to decrease operating costs, to furnish the newsletter in black and white for non-members for a period of two months only. Colored copies are to continue going to all paid members of the ladies auxiliary. Any new hire at Yuma Fire Department will receive two months of the newsletter in an effort to inform them of our organization and as an attempt to encourage new memberships.
Prison Hill Haunted House
John Metha, Paco and Martin Guzman have requested our assistance with this event. Volunteers are needed in the evening to guide the public safely through the haunted house, pass out candy/goody bags, and other tasks as needed. Several members present have volunteer their time and Pam Green will be in contact with others for additional support.
Bank Account Audit
An audit needs to be done on our bank account. It was suggested that a member of the board and a member of the auxiliary take part in this activity. Gail Fisher volunteered to assist the board with this task.
A motion was made to reimburse C.J. Padilla for funds spent on one black cartridge and one colored cartridge. The Walmart receipt in the amount of $54.64 was given to the treasurer Cheri Allen and will be paid as soon as possible.
Christmas Family
In order to prepare the items needed to sponsor a needy family for the Christmas holiday, it was suggested that anyone knowing of such a family bring that information to our next meeting.
New Year's Eve Baskets
A motion was made to continue the tradition of preparing homemade goodie baskets, to be decorated and distributed to all on duty operations and communications personnel. Saturday, December 29th at 7:00-9:00 p.m. was a suggested date and time. Everyone agreed the event should be held at a new home each year and C.J. Padilla volunteered her home for this year's event. Further discussion is to take place at our next meeting.
Adjournment at 9:00 p.m.
Next meeting to be held at Station #1 on Saturday, November 11th at 7:00 p.m.