September 10th, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m.
Dues were paid
Members present: Julie Ott, Cheri Allen, Pam Green, Angela Orndorff, Gale Fisher, Valerie Bird, Judy Stroh, C.J. Padilla
Cards and well wishes have been extended to a number of firefighters, members and immediate family. Plans are being made to meet the needs should any be identified. Pam is working on baby baskets, present and belated, to be delivered ASAP
Treasurer's Report: Cheri brought in the books and her report reflects a balance of $2090.60. Arrangements are being made to pay the Bullfrogs $720.00 with a turn around asset of $320.00, proceeds from the season ticket sales.
End of the Year Commitments: Additional funds will be distributed to the secretary for paper products and stamps, an estimated payout of $28.00. A motion was made to fulfill an earlier commitment to provide bicycles and helmets to a burned-out family of four. Funds are to be used to purchase four bikes from Walmart or K-mart. It was agreed helmets will be donated or purchased at a reduced cost from the Safe Kids Coalition.
Dues collected: An Annual Fee of $5.00 per member was collected from all members present at tonight meeting. Cheri collected and logged the incoming funds.
Elections: The following members were nominated; a motion was made, seconded and passed with the following results:
Gale Fisher, President
Tammy Smith, Vice President
Cheri Allen, Treasurer
C.J. Padilla, Secretary
Judy Stroh, Historian
All Officers accepted their positions. Congratulations ladies!
Pam Green has volunteered to continue as the unofficial encouragement representative. She will continue to track events, send cards and baskets with the financial support of the auxiliary.
Thanksgiving Family: There was a motion on the floor to continue with the practice of sponsoring a family during the holidays. Everyone agreed a meal would be provided to a family, to be determined by our next meeting. YFDLA members will look to the Salvation Army, their churches and daily contacts to locate a needy family.
Fund Raisers: The success of last year's taco sales enabled us to build the funds necessary to sponsor families for the holidays. It was agreed upon that we would again hold the taco sale with a few modifications. Tammy will check with Crossroads Mission, while Cheri checks with the Salvation Army Kitchen, to find a better location for the taco rolling. We also agreed to do this project on a Saturday morning allowing us more time to fill the orders. Money is to be collected and turned in to Pam or Cheri no later than Nov. 1, 2001.
Auditing: Tammy and Judy volunteered to audit the treasure's book sometime next week so that this year's board can continue on with business. A letter is to be drafted and given to Cheri tomorrow with a copy of these minutes, so the bank account signers may be changed in a timely manner.
Healthy Kids Day: A letter was received from Capt. Daniel Padilla in regards to this annual event. After some discussion the members agreed to compile a list of volunteers to man a booth outlining the goals and activities of YFDLA in our community. In addition, while manning the booth, we will be available to assist with this event as needed by YFD. Further discussion about hosting the free raffle of a basket containing safety items will be finalized at our next meeting.
Auxiliary Shirts: A motion to purchase all remaining auxiliary shirts from Carla Waterford passed unanimously. The shirts are to be made available at all future gatherings.
Teen Education: Julie Ott received a flyer outlining a program sponsored by the Yuma County Health Department. Volunteers are needed on Oct. 20th for this event. Further discussion has been tabled pending additional information about this event.
Prison Hill: On Wednesday, October 31st YFD will be involved in the annual haunted tent, as part of the Halloween celebration. Volunteers will be needed for multiple tasks and a list has been started.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10