Muster Time In Yuma
This year's Fire
Muster will be held on February 24th.
The event will be located in the 100 block of Main Street
and is scheduled to begin at 10:00am.
YFDLA will be assisting with the consessions again this
year and we are asking for volunteers to man the booth.
Set-up begins at 8:30am, with clean-up shortly after the
completion of the muster.
Our next meeting is on Thursday the 15th of February and
a schedule will be available for sign-ups. Anyone unable
to attend the meeting can call C. J. Padilla with their
YFDLA Shirts Available
Anyone interested
in purchasing an Auxiliary shirt may contact Carla
Waterford at 342-0612. The cost of the shirt is $6.50.
Bullfrogs Season Tickets On Sale
The Bullfrogs
general manager Dave McDowell sold YFDLA on the idea of
selling season passes for 2001. The passes consist of 15
general admission tickets, a value of $60.00. YFDLA will
be selling the passes for $30.00 each. The association
keeps $15.00 per booklet sold, and the purchaser can use
that same amount as a tax deduction.
Season passes will be on sale at a separate booth during
the Fire Muster. Anyone interested in helping Carla
Waterford man this booth, please sign-up at our next
meeting or contact C.J.
Padilla with
your availability.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!
Thanks to
everyone's hard work and donations of tasty treats, our
Second Annual Goody Baskets was a great success.
We put together and delivered a total of 15 baskets for
operational and communications personnel. Half of the
baskets were delivered the personnel working on new
Year's Eve and the other half were delivered to the rest
of the personnel working New Year's Day.
Volunteers Needed
Lots of activities
are on the horizon and if you are able to help in any
way, please contact one of your board members. We are in
need of donated supplies such as cabbage, potatoes,
corned beef, large cooking pots, and large serving trays,
which are needed for the March 17th Saint
Patrick's Day Block Party. Any
Irish cooks in our midst are encouraged to help us with
this project. After this event, there will be a pub crawl
for anyone interested in participating.
YFDLA would also like to participate in the annual Midnight
At The Oasis. Manpower is needed to
man booths at this and possibly the County
Fair. Anyone with any information
or suggestions for either event is asked to bring their
ideas to our next meeting!
 Happy Valentine's Day!!
Calendar of Events
Fire Muster
February 24th
Main Street, Old Town
St. Patrick's Day Block Party
March 17th
Main Street, Old Town
Midnight at the Oasis
March 9th, 10th & 11th
Ray Kroc Stadium
County Fair
April 3rd - 8th