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Yuma Fire Dept Ladies Auxiliary LogoYuma Fire Dept LogoYuma Fire Department

Ladies Auxiliary


Help our desert community grow
- support the YFD Ladies Auxiliary.


Next YFDLA Meeting

The next YFDLA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7th, 2002, at 7 PM at Station 1.


Next Bunko Game

Check with C.J. to see when the next Bunko game is scheduled!

Slots are still available for those that want to play each month. We are also compiling a list of subs who want to play occasionally. Contact C.J. by e-mail if you are interested.



City of Yuma Fire Department
Annual Retirement & Honors Banquet
October 19th, 2001

© Yuma Fire Dept, 2001

© Matt Norris

Congratulations to Steve Wyant (and his lovely wife, Jackie) on his retirement from the Yuma Fire Department. He is already missed. The YFDLA would like to wish Steve and Jackie lots of Good Luck. Stay in touch!!

Congratulations also go to all the winners
of the Honors Awards:

Dedina Williams - Professional Development Award

Dedina Williams - Support Person of the Year

Captain Lee Stoermer - Captain of the Year

Firefighter/Paramedic David Padilla - Firefighter of the Year

Fire Engineer/Paramedic Paco Guzman - Fire Engineer of the Year

Fire Dispatcher Christina Taylor - Fire Dispatcher of the Year


A big "Thank You" goes to Marty Suho for undertaking all the arrangements for the Banquet. Great job, Marty!! A very big "Thank You" also goes to Cheri Allen of the YFDLA for the wonderful Luminaries that she made for the Banquet. They were beautiful centerpieces, Cheri!!


September 11th, 2001

At the October 10th YFDLA Meeting, it was agreed to send a check in the amount of $500.00 to New York. It was further agreed unanimously that Gale Fisher should compose an elegant and heartfelt letter to accompany the check. The check is to go directly to aid the families of the Firefighters killed on Sepetember 11th, 2001.


Healthy Kids Day - 13 October, 2001

© YFDLA, October 2001

8 yr. old Daniel Linares, a 3rd grader from Alice Byrne School, was the winner of the 2001 YFDLA Health and Safety Basket. Well done, Daniel!!


Our By Laws.

March 2001 Newsletter

January/February 2001 Newsletter

December 2000 Newsletter

November 2000 Newsletter

September 2000 End of Year Newsletter

August/September 2000 Newsletter

April/May 2000 Newsletter

Spring 2000 Newsletter

January 2000 Newsletter

December 1999 Newsletter

October 1999 Newsletter

September 1999 Newsletter


March 7, 2002

February 11, 2002

January 10, 2002

October 10, 2001

September 10, 2001

May, June, July & August, 2001
- No Meeting

March 7th, 2001

January 10th, 2001

February 15, 2001

December 11, 2000

November 16, 2000

November 11, 2000

October 11, 2000

September 14, 2000

August 9, 2000

May 10, 2000

April 12, 2000

March 8, 2000

February 9, 2000

January 12, 2000

December 13, 1999

November 1, 1999

October 6, 1999



IVFCA Banquet 2000

Y2K Cookie Baskets

Christmas Kudos

Arizona Fire House Healthy Kids Day

For a hug from Elmo click here

For Firefighter-on-a-rope click here

Certificate of Appreciation.


YFDLA is a non-profit organization.


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