Links to other sites
on the web:
Here are some of
our favorite links,
please let us know if
any of them don't work!
Exceptional Parent-
great site for parents of special needs kids
and those with medical conditions
Parent Soup-
Mom's favorite hangout!
Billy Bear's Playground-
great clipart and wallpaper, lots of stuff for kids!
PDD Support Homepage-
lots of info specific to PDD, good links!

Click here to learn more about the silver ribbon campain!
info about intestinal lymphangiactasia
and other pediatric disorders.
info and support for infertility and adoption
Blue Mountain Cards-
our favorite for sending on-line cards
Jen's Bottle Babies-
Mommy's bottlefeeding information page
Lots of great deals, coupons and special offers

Check out the cute baby contest!

The Gluten Free, Casien Free Diet Homepage-
this site has tons of info
on autism diet therapy, from getting started
to what foods you can and can't have.
Kangeroo Korner-
slings, slings and more slings!
Plus info on how to use them and why
they are a good idea.
Some cloth diapering stuff too.
The AUTISM and FUN message board-
a great board for talking about
all aspects of raising autistic kids
and some fun stuff too!
Perpetual Bubblewrap!-
"Waste vital minutes" popping virtual
bubblewrap! Great fun that is
"well and truly useless" :)
Where do we go from Hear?-
Lots of great info for parents of
newly diagnosed hearing impaired children

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Parenting From the Heart
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