Welcome To
Our Little Home on the Web!

Please come and meet our family!

Walt and Jen (AKA Mommy and Daddy) met in 1982 and were high school sweethearts! They were married in 1989 and will soon celebrate their 14th anniversary. Want to see the wedding pics? Click on the couple--> Jen is a stay at home mom who enjoys reading, playing on the computer and cooking (good thing too, what with Maddie's special diet and all). This year Jen took on a new challange and became a homeschooling mom! She is having a great time :) Walt likes to go fishing and hunting. He also works at a wallboard plant. The family recently took a vacation to Plymouth MA, it was a blast! In our family we practice attachment parenting, although this was not always the case. To read about our journey check out our Parenting from the Heart page.

Kelsey was the first to join our family on September 29th, 1993. She came to us after 2 years of infertility treatments. She is truly our miracle from heaven! Kelsey has been identified as having learning disabilities and so the family decided she was better off at home. Now she is being homeschooled and loves it! She plays the flute and has learned to sew and cook this year. Kelsey recently became a Girl Scout and will start Cheering soon so she is very busy! Click on the flower girl to see her birth story!

Madison was the next to arrive! Mommy and Daddy had to undergo infertilty treatments to get her also. She came on December 2nd, 1995, surprising us all with her arrival which was 6 weeks earlier then expected! Madison has developmental delays and was recently re-diagnosed with autistic disorder. She is a wonderfull little girl who has changed our life for the better in so many ways. Maddie has been taking therapudic horseback riding and has shown a natural ability. We are very excited for her and hope she may have found a nice niche! Maddie loves everything Disney princess, and I mean EVERYTHING :) For more info on the special diet she is on go to the GFCF Diet Website or to see our favorite recipes go to our GFCF recipes page. Click on the umbrella girl to see her birth story!

Benjamin is our latest arrival. He was a bit of a surprise to Mommy and Daddy but was very much wanted! He was born on December 21st, 1998. He experienced some problems with fluid retention prenatally and was born 7 weeks early. He was diagnosed with a condition called intestinal lymphangiactasia. We though he had recovered, but recently we discovered this isn't so and he still suffers from this condition which requires several supplements and a low fat diet :( . Ben has been busy planning his 5 1/2 yo birthday party and attending tennis lessons! Click on the the baby to see his birth story (which has the whole story on his illness) or for more info on lymphangiactasia click here.

Raising any child is hard work, but having a special needs child can sometimes seem overwhelming. Need some inspiration? Come read The Chosen One, an beautiful story for every special needs Mom and Dad. You are special too!

For those of you who don't have special needs kids (or those who do), the story Welcome to Holland explains our feelings about our children perfectly. Click on over and check it out!

The following quote is one of Mommy's favorites!

"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"

-"Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks, Pat Alger and Larry Bastain

Another of Mommy's favorites is a poem called What Did I Do Today?. It's a great reminder to take time and ENJOY YOUR CHILDREN! They are only young once!

Untied We Stand

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This page is a work in progress, come and visit us again sometime, and please sign the guestbook before you leave!

This page was last updated on July 5th, 2004.

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Please feel free to explore our homepage using the following links!

Our Photo Album
Our Wedding Pictures
Kelsey's Birth Story
Madison's Birth Story
Benjamin's Birth Story
Welcome to Holland
The Chosen One
What Did I Do Today
Our Awards
Links We Love
Our Kid's Page
Parenting From the Heart
Our Homeschool Page
Our GFCF Recipes

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