Remembering CHIA Hood Theam

A family reunion "In Rememberance of Chia Hood Theam (1863-1938)", was held at the Garden Hotel
on the evening of 12th February 2000. Present were around 200 persons, representing four generations
of family members descended from Mr Chia Hood Theam.

Chia Hood Theam was Comprador of the Mercantile Bank for many years, a position that
he passed on to his sons Keng Tye and Keng Chin.

Last updated: March-2000

In 1915 he bought "Rosedale", a bungalow along Killiney Rd, and moved in with his growing family.


His family soon increased from 9 children ...

... to 11 children and numerous grandchildren as shown in this photograph taken at Rosedale.

Photograph taken at "Rosedale" on 9th October 1921,
on the 40th (Ruby) Wedding Anniversary of Mr & Mrs Chia Hood Theam, with 62 family members.

1.0 Links to Family Trees 

   2.0 Chia Family photo album