Welcome to the Chia Family homepage

This website contains the Singapore Chia family tree and family pictures, showing the descendants of
Mr CHIA Leong Chuan and his eldest son Mr CHIA Hood Theam.

Also included are the links tothe related family trees showing descendants of Mr LIM Cheng Sah from
Penang (originally from Singapore) and the descendants of Mr TAN Hoon Siang.

A family reunion In Rememberance of CHIA Hood Theam (1863-1938) who was
the son of Mr CHIA Leong Chuan, was held at the Garden Hotel on the evening of 12th February 2000.
Present were almost 200 persons, spanning four generations of family members
descended from Mr CHIA Hood Theam.

Last updated: 13th February 2000

1.0 Links to Family Trees 

   2.0 Chia Family photo album