Brewster's Biography


     I was born in Hawthorne, CA in the midst of that wild and wacky decade known as "The Sixties". Fortunately my parents were not "flower children" - although my father's hobby was raising orchids in the backyard, he's far to conservative to be a hippie (thank God).  All in all, I had a fairly happy childhood and teen years (except for the time I was bit by a radioactive hamster and became a superhero - but that's another story).


     Once out of high schoul, I became a "jack-of-all-trades" (ok, so I was really an idiot kid who got fired alot). One day in August of 1989 while working at a local 7-11 store, I met a gorgeous lady who came in to buy a Lotto ticket for her folks.  I asked this stunning beauty her name and she told me it was Mary Ann.  By luck and craft I managed to get a date with with this wonderful woman.



                                                                                                                               (Mary Ann)


 We were married in January of 1991 and I have been madly in love her since I laid eyes on her.  For some reason she loves me back (kinda like "Beauty and the Beast).  We have added 3 cats to our happy home since we have been married:

Brandy:                    R.I.P. - 12-10-99


and George:            R.I.P.  - 12-25-00


Name:               Brewster

Age:                  Mid 30's

Height:              5' 8"        

Weight:             165 lbs

Hair:                 Dark brown with a touch of grey

Eyes:                 Greenish

Occupation:      Sales Associate (Staples)

Meet some important people in my life.....
