Brewster's Hut


I was sittin' here shining my 12 gauge while on my creaky old rockin' chair and said to myself,"Self, it's about time y'all got on that thar Internet thingy and made your own dad gum website"

At that point my wife (the lovely and talented Mary Ann) said, "Dear, get off the couch and quit trying to talk like a hillbilly, for pete's sake."

She was right (darn it, she always is) as I was born and raised in Southern California.  But dagnabit, I always wanted to live in the country and now I can - at least in cyberspace.  So, by cracky.........

Welcome to Brewster's Hut (not to be confused with a certain pizza establishment with a similar name).  I'm Bruce a.k.a. Brewster, your ever so humble host during your sojourn here.  Now ya won't find no pitchurs of butt-nekkid women here, jus good clean fun (and I ain't talking 'bout pitchurs of women in bathtubs neither).  I'll also throw in a few interesting links along the way.



Sorry I haven't been updating that much in the past couple weeks.  It's been a combination of laziness and a schedule change at work.  I have a lot of plans for this here page including audio files for your listening stay tuned!


One of the main reasons I don't update my daily stuff daily (sounds weird), is because I don't often have a pet peeve.....I'm just not that angry of a person.  So I have changed it to Pet Peeve/Strange Ideas of the day.


I reluctantly have had to make a small change on my Bio page....As a result of a bout with a urinary tract infection, Brandy is no longer with us.  Out of our 3 "kids", he was my little buddy, and the only darned cat I have ever seen play "fetch".  He will be sorely missed.


Ok, so it's been about a month since I last updated.  I'm really sorry.  The lovely and talented Mary Ann and I had some things to work out (All you guys looking for the perfect woman should call off the search....I am married to her), and we are in the process of packing up 9 years worth of stuff to move to West Virginia.  I will try (key word - try) to keep the hut updated.


We are officially West Virginians now.  Ahhhh it's so nice to be here in the country (even though I don't have a 12 gauge....yet).  It took us 7 days to make the cross-country trip from sunny, warm So. Cal. to cloudy, cool West Virginia.  We took I-40 most of the way through mountains and desert, sunshine and snow (I never have driven through snow before).  New Mexico sucks but the rest of the states we went through were beautiful...even Texas.  Mary Ann wasn't all that impressed with the Mississippi River....all she said was "Is that it?".  Well it's good to be back on the Hut.


Let me know if y'all find any broken links...I just switched around my file manager and I cain't do a thing with it.


Sorry it's been soooo long since I've updated.  

Me, Me,  its all about Me!                                   Stuff From Brewster's Brain