Our Angel Boy
Baby Boy so very small
You barely lived, then left us all.
And at your leaving, Oh! the pain,
To never hold you close again.
But in our hearts, you'll always be,
Our precious son as now we see
The angels sing you lullabys
And Jesus wipes our tear filled eyes.
You had so much pain while here,
But now you're free of every fear.
We'll miss the baby we loved so
And, Oh! how hard to let you go.
You now fly free on angels wings
This thought alone our comfort brings.
You'll always be a thought away,
Our hearts will sorrow every day.
So Angel baby with halo bright.
When we kneel down to pray each night,
Our prayers will be in thanks and glad
For the little time with you we had.
So baby son, so small and sweet,
Rest you now in blessed sleep...
No pain, no suffering will there be
For God has set our baby free.
This poem was written for this site
Copyright Clara Scarberry May 15,1999