<BGSOUND SRC="/a_umc/shinejes.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m.
Have been here since 10/30/99
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Altheimer! 
We are glad to have you!  Notice the options below.  We will be adding many new things to our site in the days to come, so pay attention.  Thanks again for dropping by and we hope that your day is blessed!
Tour Of Our Sanctuary
Meet the staff and
Sunday School Teachers
How To Find Us!
The Cross In The Egg
As Seen On Channel Seven's Daybreak!
Church Mailing Address:
      P.O. BOX "759"
  Altheimer, AR  72004
E-Mail the Pastor at:           rev.jcs@sbcglobal.net
We now have access for people   with handicaps. A new lift has     been installed, so all of God's      people can come and worship.
Men's Breakfast every 3rd Sunday. All are invited for good food and fine fellowship.
Good News!! The Adult and Children Choirs will be singing praises to Almighty God again. May God Bless their efforts.
First United Methodist Church of Altheimer invites you to come and worship with us anytime.
All are Welcome.
God is Good!
All the Time!
The Little Church, With A Big Heart!
The United Methodist Women meet the 3rd
thursday of every         month.
Rev. John Sandine, Pastor
First United Methodist Church