For a while he stared at the manila envelope.  "What are you thinking?"
I asked Michael.  He didn't answer.  He buried his face in his hands and
started sobbing.  It had been years since I'd heard a little one cry
like that.  My kids were grown -- still I don't think they'd ever cried
so hard.  I rubbed his back and wondered where the flight attendant was.
"What's the matter buddy?"  I asked.
All I got were muffled words "I don't know my grandma. Mama didn't want
her to come visit and see her sick. What if Grandma doesn't want me?
Where will I go?"
"Michael, do you remember the Christmas story?  Mary and Joseph and the
baby Jesus?  Remember how they came to Bethlehem just before Jesus was
born? It was late and cold, and they didn't have anywhere to stay, no
family, no hotels, not even hospitals where babies could be born.  Well,
God was watching out for them.  He found them a place to stay; a stable
with animals."
"Wait, wait," Michael tugged on my sleeve.  "I know Jesus.   I remember
now."  Then he closed his eyes, lifted his head and began to sing.  His
voice rang out with a strength that rocked his tiny frame.  "Jeeesus
looooves me--thiiiiiis I  knowwwwwww.  For the Biiiiiible tells meeeeee
Passengers turned or stood up to see the little boy who made the large
sound.  Michael didn't notice his audience.   With his eyes shut tight
and voice lifted high, he was in a good place.  "You've got a great
voice," I told him when he was done.  "I've never heard anyone sing like
"Mama said God gave me good pipes just like my Grandma's," he said. "My
Grandma loves to sing, she sings in her church  choir."
"Well, I'll bet you can sing there too.  The two of you will be running
that choir."
The seat belt sign came on as we approached O'Hare.  The flight
attendant came by and said we just have a few minutes now, but she told
Michael it's important that he put on his seat belt.  People started
stirring in
their seats, like the kids before the final school bell.  By the time
the seat belt sign went off, passengers were rushing down the aisle.
Michael and I stayed seated.
"Are you gonna go with me?" he asked.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world buddy!" I assured him.
Clutching his bag and the manila envelope in one hand, he grabbed my
hand with the other.  The two of us followed the flight attendant down
the jetway.  All the noises of the airport seemed to fill the corridor.
Michael stopped, flipping his hand from mine, he dropped to his knees.
His mouth quivered. His eyes brimmed with tears
"What's wrong Michael? I'll carry you if you want."
He opened his mouth and moved his lips, but it was as if his words were
stuck in his throat.  When I knelt next to him, he grabbed my neck.  I
felt his warm, wet face as he whispered in my ear, "I want my mama!!!"
I tried to stand, but Michael squeezed my neck even harder.  Then I
heard a rattle of footsteps on the corridor's metal floor.
"Is that you baby?"  I couldn't see the woman behind me, but I heard the
warmth in her voice.  "Oh baby," she cried.  "Come here.  Grandma loves
you so much. I need a hug baby.  Let go of that nice man," she knelt
beside Michael and me.
Michael's grandma stroked his arm.  I smelled a hint of orange blossoms.
"You've got folks waiting for you out there Michael.  Do you know that
you've got aunts and uncles and cousins?"  She patted his skinny
shoulders and started humming.  Then she lifted her head and sang.  I
wondered if the flight attendant told her what to sing, or maybe she
just knew what was right.  Her strong, clear voice filled the
passageway, "Jesus loves me -- this I know..."
Michael's gasps quieted.  Still holding him, I rose, nodded hello to his
grandma and watched her pick up the grocery bag.  Right before we got to
the doorway to the terminal, Michael loosened his grip around my neck
and reached for his grandma.
As soon as she walked across the threshold with him, cheers erupted.
From the size of the crowd, I figured family, friends, pastors, elders,
deacons, choir members and most of the neighbors had come to meet
Michael.  A tall man tugged on Michael's ear and pulled off the red sign
around his neck.  It no longer applied.
As I made my way to the gate for my connecting flight, I barely noticed
the weight of my overstuffed briefcase and laptop.  I started to wonder
who would be in the seat next to mine this time......  And I smiled.

-- Author Unknow