From C.H.Hopkins' album
Harara 122
(*Deyr x *Haffia)
foaled 1912
featuring straight Davenports, Davenport Conservancy,
Al Khamsa, Blue Catalog, and CMK preservation groups
Bruce and Teresa McElhinny
PO BOX 324 ,
Tensleep, WYO. 82442

e-mail: Bruce

Our straight Davenport Arabians include:

Ibn Elhinny Mc
(Javera Trystan x Javera Chelsea)
Bred by Janet Chiesna
Chestnut stallion foaled 1997
Minstrel CF
(Ibn Alamein x Trill)
Bred by Craver Farms
Bay stallion foaled 1982
Javera Jasmyn
(Sportin Life x Javera Chelsea)
Bred by Janet Chiesna
Chestnut mare foaled 1994
Ibn Jazzman
(Mandarin CF x Javera Jasmyn)
Bred by Bruce McElhinny
stallion foaled 1999

Our other Arabians

(For more information on Davenport Strains, see Charles Craver's article:Corollaries of Strain Breeding

For more information on some of the different Preservation Groups see Carol Lyons article: PRESERVATIONIST ORGANIZATIONS, ETC.)






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