My name is Mark (a.k.a. Pkcrazed), I'm 36. I've been married for 11 years to Mary (a.k.a Knehna) age classifed. I belong to a group called Promise Keepers. They teach men to love and serve the Lord,love and respect your wife,and become a more loving and caring father. Mary and I believe totally in this group,and back them 100%.
We have three children....
Sarah age 21-Our oldest and mother to Caleb.
Amber age 15-My little girl.
Mark age 10-My big boy.
We also have one grandson.....
Caleb - Our first grandchild. I think he gets his cute looks from me.
Mary has four dogs.....
Sophie - She's the old dog,she started it all.She's the mother of them all (except Lillian of course).
Knehna-Queen dog.She thinks she rules this house,but I've got news for her.....I do ,just don't tell Mary.
Toma-Our male dog.Always in competition with Knehna.
Lilly Great with kids (very protective),but she really sheds.
Six -She was born with three normal paws and one half paw not fully developed,folded under her chin.
D.C.-(Picture coming soon.)He's named after DC on the movie"That Darn Cat".