A Tennessee welcome to the homesite of

Serving Nashville
          and the Davidson County region

Mission: Affordable housing
Economic development
Location: Formerly serving primarily Clay, Fentress, Jackson, Overton, Pickett, and Putnam Counties in Tennessee, Visions Five is now reaching out to minority and elderly populations in the Davidson County region.
Organization: Private nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code Founded in 1988 with Tennessee Valley Authority support, now emphasizing services to minorities and to rural residents under HUD, USDA, and Tennessee Housing Development Agency guidelines.

Application for Self Help Housing for Low Income Buyers

Accomplishments: Raised signifcant funds in grants and loans for private businesses, county and city governments for recycling plants, industrial parks, interactive video networks, museum construction, housing, and other projects

In October 2003 through Visions Five Community Development Corporation, which we founded, executed an "initial closing" contract with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for a grant of $1.46 million under the HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program. Visions Five CDC subsequently acquired the land and started construction on a 19 unit facility to be known as Laurel Creek, Inc., in Cookeville, Tennessee to house low income, frail elderly residents. The property will be managed by Woodbine Community Organization of Nashville. The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency will cooperate in supplying services to residents.

Selected as one of 26 rural nonprofit housing organizations to be awarded a grant from the Housing Assistance Council of Washington DC, which administered funds for The Enterprise Foundation and the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to assist small rural housing organizations. The recent major HUD grant evolved from this funding.

To learn more about us and what services we may be able to work with you to provide, come in for a down home Tennessee visit.

Site Menu

About Us
Board of Directors
Completed Projects
Strategic Plan
Corporation Charter
By Laws
IRS Letter of Exemption
Self Help Houses: Low cost homes with no down payment for low income buyers.
House Photograph
Architect's Drawing of Proposed Supportive Housing Facility for the Elderly

Together We Can

revised October 20, 2004
site url: http://www.geocities.com/visionsfive/

For more information
Carl Wright: visionsfive@yahoo.com