NOTE: The owner of this site does not control the banner ads and does not necessarily endorse the content.
          This site was created to celebrate the joys of grandparenthood.
        "Grandma stories" are the stories that grandparents love to share
        about their grandchildren. If you are a grandparent (or just enjoy
      the funny things children say and do), this page is for you!

     I have four beautiful granddaughters. Beginning with each of
     their births, I have been keeping a book containing the funny,
"wise", and heart-warming things they say and do.
I will be sharing many of those on this page.

I also invite you to share your "grandma stories".
You don't really have to be a grandparent though.
You can share stories about any child in your life
(children, nieces/nephews, friends' children, etc).

        To share your "Grandma Stories" click on my guestbook and fill in
      the form. I will then include them on the "Your Stories" page.
I look forward to hearing from you!

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Visitors since 5/30/99


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