
I have always been *crafty* so it's only fitting that I have a website for crafting.

Although I engage in many crafts, and endeavor to learn even more, my favorites are Counted Cross-Stitch and kids' crafts, specifically anything which can be adapted for Cub Scouting.

Within these pages, I will attempt to offer ideas for Cub Scout crafts, along with many links for great websites pertaining to X-Stitch.

Candie Xstitch Candie was the *love of my life*, a mixed-breed shepherd/black lab. She died 10 years ago at the old age of 14. Shortly after she died, I sat down with a photo of her and began stitching. I didn't create a chart first, either. I guess it was a labor of love.

Cross-Stitch Links

Cross stitch page
Needlecraft Showcase Free Area
Creative Hand Shoppe - A Source for Cross Stitching
Stitches To Go ( Cross Stitch Leaflets, Kits
Learn To Do Counted Cross Stitch In 5 Minutes
Celtic Cross-stitch / Home Page
Welcome to Cross Country Stitching
2Busy Stitching
Hobby Corner: Cross Stitch Nook
The Embroiderers' Guild of America
Cross My Heart, Inc. - Counted Cross Stitch
The PCStitch Homepage
Xstitcher's Homepage
Herrschners Online Needlecraft Catalog
Hobby Corner: Cross Stitch Nook - Swaps & Such
Cross Stitch with 1-2-3 Stitch!

Crafts 4 Kids
Crafts for Kids -LINKS!!!!!
Summer Fun INDEX for Kids!
Crafts for Kids Bulletin Board

Thank you :)

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