Brenda's Yard Sale

Page Two
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Beginning Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Book:
I bought this with the plan to learn this type of guitar playing but it's too advanced for me. Paid $18.00 asking $15.00. Comes with CD. Condition is the same as I when I got it which is used but good shape. It's just the picture quality that makes it look like it does...
Sale: $13.00
Barbasol jar with original metal lid. $10.00 OBO. Very good condition. Old  Sale: $8.00
Various cosutme patterns, dolls, hats and pillows.Used but still in good condition. $2.00 ea or all for $14.00. (I'm selling these for my daughter).
Large (12" tall) chicken bowl. I used it for storing odds n ends in the kitchen. Has slightly noticable crack on top of tail but other that that, the rest is in good condition. Hand painted.Has opening on back for a ladle, not included. It didn't have one when I bought it. Made in 1988 and I've owned it most of those years. $18.00 OBO. Sale: $15.00
        Ceramic Palmistry hand:
I got several of these at an auction and have no use for them.12" tall with crackle paint.
$10.00. I've seen these listed on ebay for $24.99.
Pretty setting ceramic hen. I'm getting rid of my chicken collection and this one was a nice addition to all my others. $5.00.Sale: $3.00
Another from my collection. I liked this one because it was different than most I've seen. Very unique. Light blue with green and brown speckles. Not sure of the age of this one, but I've had it at least 10 years. 6" tall at the highest point. $4.00. Sale: $2.00
I bought this string and leather girth for my horse but it didn't fit her right. Only used twice so it may have some hair left on it and a little dust. Paid $24.00 for it, asking $20.00 OBO or trade for a leather bridle in decent shape. I measured and it appears to be 32" long from ring to ring  and 7" across the leather. Sale: $18.00
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Reg. Hackney Pony For Sale. Click button for more info. click on hearts.
I except PayPal, personal checks and money orders. All items will be held until check clears.