<BGSOUND SRC="/suemiller_99/SundaymorningComingDown.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Born, raised and still in living
Welcome !!
"A Trip Through Time"
Hi!  I am Sue (Cox) Miller and this is my attempt to document my "family history" and that of my husband, Jack Miller.
Surname Pages
Surnames for Jack's line; Breedlove, McClure, McCune, Miller and Thompson.
Surnames for Sue's line; 
Cox, Cuthbertson, Frame, Hersey, Hewlett, and Mullins.
Other Surnames to be added;
Arbaugh, Brown, Darby, Edwards, Hale, Hunley, Pettry and Woods.
Photo Albums
Precious Memories of "Mom and Dad
Who died  December 16th, 1999 and January 01, 1961."
These pages are under construction
Photos of the Miller Ancestors
Photos of the Breedlove, Thompson/McCune Ancestors
Photos of the Cox and Frame Ancesters
Military Photos!!!
at; Friends and Family in the Military
Please check this site!  If you know any of the people
email us.  Some we have names for and others we
just remember.
You may want to send us a photo of your loved one
or friend - if you do, be sure to send info and the photo in .jpg format.  
Genealogy and Research Links
Genealogy Portal.Com
U S GenWeb Archives/Digital Library
Two Great Native American Links
Indian Captives of Early American Pioneers
and more links
Please, use our Links!
Family Links
Jacquline (Mullins) Samson - Family Page
OK! Now I am going to introduce
you to my lighter side! I am going to have some fun!

Come on, Join Me HERE!
This Almost Heaven Webring site is owned by
Sharon Sue (Cox) Miller
, webmaster of:
A Trip Through Time
All the information on our family lines has been done to the best of my ability and I have documents or have copied the information from others who have documentation for most of the dates and names.  I will not gaurantee all the information to be correct.
Click here for info on how to join the
Almost Heaven, West Virginia Webring
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It's Genealogy!Always Under Construction!  Please come back!
e-mail us with any info or questions about surnames at millerplace4u@hotmail.com