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Marla, Kyle, Amanda, Diego, & Learae 1996

Diego Mera, Learae Foster
October 10, 1987

Kurt and Slade

Steve, Gena, & Wyatt

Learae and Yukon

Jaime & Diego Mera Sr - had not seen each other in 15 years

Left to right- Fabiola Jaramillo, Myself, Carlos Ivan Muriel,
Claudia Patricia Muriel, Monserate - Bogota, Colombia Aug 98

Left to Right Back to Front Diego Fernando & Efrain LaVerde Jr.Richard Rojas, Efrain Sr. & Manuel LaVerde, Carlos Muriel, Carlos Meisel(far right)
Nicole Andrea Laverde Rojas, Paola Andrea LaVerde
Bogota, Colombia Aug 1998


Welcome to the Family Tree web page. Listed on the table below are all the surnames associated with the entire family. Everyone below is associated in one form or another, either by marriage, birth, or adoption. A word about the name format; person's names are displayed in the following format: First Name, Middle Name, Mother's Maiden Name, Father's Last Name. This is how the lineage is maintained. Person's name below is the farthest back in the tree so far for each surname.

Descendents of (click on surname below to view details):

* NOTE: If it states the {Surname Family}, that signifies that I do not have that person's first name in my database.

** NOTE: Persons in black with the double star ** means that there are currently no descendents for that person in the family tree database.

Bauchamp, Renee

Granados, George

Longo, Victor

Reno, Margarete May

Benitez, Rafael

Grieve, William Hue

Lopez, Lucila **

Resilia, Gloria Paz

Blanco, Anna

Gunther, Julie **

Losada, Ignacio **

Reyes, Rodrigo

Brusatin, Orestes

Han, Sang Su **

Mera, Marceliano

Ricaurte, Doris Cobo

Calbo, Dolatilo

Harden, Walpert

Mondragon, Isaura

Rodrigues, Carola

Caltirider, Slade Montrose

Hein, Ludwig Schwiekert

 Mosquera, Cecilia

Rojas, Jose Tobias

Cardenes, Claudio

Hoyos, Luz Da

Muriel, Marco Orozco

Ross, Willis Dennie

Devia, Diego Sarria

Izquierdo, Olmedo **

Nam Family *

Saenz, Marcos

Duque, Rosaura Arias

Jang, Ok Jung

Ocampo, Maria Rafael

Sandoval, Manuela

Espitia, Orlando Ardila

 Jaramillo, Nicolas

Perez, Habauc

Solarte, Ester

Figueredo, Fabio **

Jefferson, Judith Ann

Quinchoo Family *

Speich, Corannel

Forero, Dora Molano

Joe, Hea Bin Nam **

Quintero, Fernando Gronza

Vail, Florence

Foster, Leighton Brud

Klotz, Steve

Ramirez, Gloria


Gallego, Mercedes Garcia

LaVerde, Manuel Restrepo

Reina, Hilario Gonzalez


Gaub, Miles Hein

Lee Family *

 Rengifo Family *



!!!Click On These Words to See Photo Album!!!

Picture on Right is of Kyle and Marla in front of our chess board - taken winter 1997


You can email me at any of the following addresses to alert me of any corrections or additions - or send me regular mail with your pictures, documents, audio files, etc. to the email address below.

diegom8@yahoo.com (home email)

Favorite web sites:

http://www.howstuffworks.com/ - This is a really cool site that explains how everyday things work

http://www.family.org / - This is the Focus On The Family Home Page

http://www.nps.gov/yell/ - This is the Yellowstone National Park Home Page